Hellos (!)
Cherry here :D
Adeline go Malaysia, will be back on Wed.
& She's not keeping her blog alive !
Ohmy she so bad.
i dont know what to post in her blog o:
lols, she better buy presents for me.
kekekekeks :D.
okay, thats all for now.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hi Friends !
See i blogging now.
Cos Cheryl Wong say i nvr blog..
Anyway i just want to say
yay. happy happy.
aiya this few days play basketball with Cherry and Natalie and Cheryl Wong..
So fun. lazy to blog.. oso nth to do wat. k , blog soon bah.
& p/s : happy birthdae to Cherry's brother Shaun :D
See i blogging now.
Cos Cheryl Wong say i nvr blog..
Anyway i just want to say
yay. happy happy.
aiya this few days play basketball with Cherry and Natalie and Cheryl Wong..
So fun. lazy to blog.. oso nth to do wat. k , blog soon bah.
& p/s : happy birthdae to Cherry's brother Shaun :D
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ytd play-ed basketball with Cherry,Cheryl wong,Ryan, Casper,My Sis n My Cousins.
Cheryl G nvr cm coz she got stomach flu:(......
Thn we play 2 match la.
Thn call retarded duckie cm down thn he say he going out while i heard th maple story song-.-" Who in th world would believe-.-!
Ltr Cherry ask mrs 3 pangs call duckie but he still say he going out which was 2hrs ltr-.-"
Thn 6pm went home coz need go out n eat
Cheryl G nvr cm coz she got stomach flu:(......
Thn we play 2 match la.
Thn call retarded duckie cm down thn he say he going out while i heard th maple story song-.-" Who in th world would believe-.-!
Ltr Cherry ask mrs 3 pangs call duckie but he still say he going out which was 2hrs ltr-.-"
Thn 6pm went home coz need go out n eat
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday was damn fun larhh, morning went to Escape with Ai Shu, her niece,felicia, Hanyi, Cherry nn Bang Hao... went thr bought the tickets nn went in... went into the Haunted hse first, i scared dun wan go in den felicia wan pull me in den i keep struggling nn sae dun wan... lols, in the end she wait for us outside... den 6 of us went in; felicia was standing last one lurhh... idoit sia; she scared oso leh... walk lke nt even 1/4 of the journey i say cn turn back nn go out anot, the person ask hu wan go out, almost all of us sae wan go out, then we walk back nn went out from the entrance, lols... den went to took the Rollar coaster, felicia sit with Hanyi at the last seat of the rollar coaster, Ai Shu nn her niece took the first seat, bang hao second [i think], Cherry nn me third [i think], forth seat was nt sitted den the fifth seat gt 1 little girl, den felicia nn Hanyi behind her... after dat we sat the Pirate Ship, Ai Shu wan seat last row, felicia nn Hanyi seat third row, i wan seat third row oso; in the she seat wrong seat till forth row, den after dat we sat wet nn wild, damn fun lurhh... felicia sit behind seat den the in front seat of the boat, Cherry nn me, took the first boat; felicia nn Hanyi took the second boat nn Ai Shu nn her neice took the third boat, Bang Hao no play... -.-" den we were lke all wet larhh... after dat we took some other rides lke flipper tgt... so slow nn boring lorhh the ride, den i ask the person y so slow, den he sae ltr too fast we vomit... lols; after dat i oso dunno y we gt seperated with Ai Shu, Bang Hao nn her niece, den me,felicia, Cherry nn Hanyi took the ride nxt to the flipper... after dat around 1150, we play till veri sian liaos lorhh... [we play less den 2 hrs], den we went out to eat KFC, after dat Ai Shu, Bang Hao nn her niece go watch movie den me,felicia, Cherry, Hanyi walk to WS to play arcade; on the way thr; Brian call den we sae we gng WS play arcade nn Ai shu they all watch movie nn he sae he come find us... we play till halfway they suddenly appear lorhh... dun care them continue play play den they keep laughing -.-" lynn oso came after dat went to my hse first to take her PSP, den walk to E!Hub, cause Afiqah nn Putri need help... so went thr den me, felicia, Hanyi nn Cherry wan go back Escape play wet nn wild, so the boiis nn Lynn went to PRP with Afiqah nn Putri first, we go play nn the queue is lik so damn ong sia... finally our turn; Cherry nn me went first, den felicia nn Hanyi... tis time the first slide down im already wet from head to toe liaos... the last slide was worst; im drench even more cn squeeze water out from my shirt lorhh.. damn funny lurhh... den i call Bang Hao,ask him whr they all, ai Shu took his fone nn sae they at Haunted hse; they wan walk agn... so, we go play flipper while waiting for them... tis time it was faster bt still nt fun... after dat they arrived, nn we all went out to buy some other things Putri nn Afiqah ask me to buy, den when we were about to leave for PRP, felicia suddenly remember haven buy plastic bag for water bomb; so felicia ask Ai Shu, Bang Hao nn her niece to go over thr first, while we 4 go buy the plastic bags... we went to Cheers ask, they dun hve... den we walk from Cheers to e!hub, e!hub to Cheers, den in the end we found it in the shop den we bought balloons the other time, buy liaos den walk to PRP, while walking we play lik siao cause we go to be dry liaos den me nn Adeline wan to be wet so in the end we take water bottle out nn play, damn funny lurhh... felicia pour water at Cherry nn Hanyi, lols den we finally rch liaos pass things to ms lie, nn went to the toilet cause lynn wan wash hand, after dat walk back nn sat thr...den they BBQ, while the same 4 tgt wif Lynn nn Avena when to fill water bombs nn play within the 6 of us the first time nt every body wet... we go back take somemore... nn went to play agn, tis time they all aim felicia...felicia wet liaos den they aim me, so both me nn felicia wet, lols den went back sat down we went to fill more water bombs to wan hit Brian nn Rui Sheng... in the end Mrs Ng came nn took 1 from us nn un tie it nn pour on Shawn's head nn dats when we all started playing lke mad lorhh, we started throwing nn water bombs [although ms lie sae dun play near the BBQ area, we oso dun care continue thowing], den Shawn kena the most water bomb... damn funny lurhh, den felicia pretend talk to dunno hu [forgt liaos] nn talk talk talk nn suddenly throw 1 bomb at Ryan, hahas... it hit his pants, damn funny lurhh, hahas... den Ryan throw 1 bomb at us girls bt nvr hit us cause it flew up, over us nn landed far behind us in the grass area... den Mrs Ng daughter shouted 'im wet' nn started walking away... den we run nn ask her go back, she keep shaking her head nn dun wan go back cause scared kena scolding lorhh, lols... in the end ony her leg hve a few drops of water nia... scare us sia; lols after dat we started just throwing den some of us go fill the water bomb, all the plastic bag with me so the boiis no more bomb liaos, so we just kept throwing nn throwing lorhh... Shawn was drench from head to toe, lols, damn funny lurhh; after dat we throw fin liaos... nn some of us need go hme so we left nn when we walk dat time suddenly gt frog croaking sia den we [Lynn, Hanyi, Yin jia, Cherry, me,felicia] started running sia... lols den after dat, Hanyi walk hme herself; Cherry, Adeline nn Lynn walk to WS; me nn Yin jia took bus 17 hme.went home n eat maggie mee coz hungry:D thn stupid sister go cry say wan eat thn bo bian need let her eat abit:(
Monday, November 24, 2008
at hm is lik dam sianz der lors..zzz...
wonder when is cheryl goh coming bk frm malaysia...
too quiet w/o her...
everyday is lik nth do.jst play basketball:) n do th retarded hmwk given nia-.-!
ultra lame!
oni this sch gt give hmwk,i tink.dam retarded-.-!
cnnt wait to go play bb ltr rather thn rottt at hm sia.
wonder when is cheryl goh coming bk frm malaysia...
too quiet w/o her...
everyday is lik nth do.jst play basketball:) n do th retarded hmwk given nia-.-!
ultra lame!
oni this sch gt give hmwk,i tink.dam retarded-.-!
cnnt wait to go play bb ltr rather thn rottt at hm sia.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
1. Who's the person that tagged you?Si pang zi(ryan)
2. Relationship between you and him?he is my retarded friend:)
3. 5 impressions?he is dam fat.tink he is tall-.-very retarded!:) flirt n act ah beng:D
4. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?he alr is.always fight mah.jk
5. What will you say to the person you like very much?idk.
6. Characteristics i like about myself.idk.
7. Characteristics i hate about myself?too short!
8. For the person whom you hate, you say?idk.
9. What do people feel about you?i m not them how i noe-.-
10. Your crush?no1:D
11. Most ideal person you wanna be?me:D
12. Pass this to 10 ppl.
2.cheryl G
4.cheryl w
9.han yi
13. if 5 & 7 were together? (glenda n casper)idk.maybe can:o
14. Who does 5 like? ( glenda )idk.
15. What colour does 9 like? ( han yi)idk.
16. Say smth about 8. (ryan)he is lik dam retarded n fat lor!:o :D
17. Who is 2? ( cheryl goh)my bestie/boyfriend
18. Talk about 3. ( natalie )she's pretty n cute.:)
19. Who is 10's best friend? ( felicia )lynn bah.
20. Who's the sexiest among all 10?all of them, except ryan haha.
21. What colour does 4 like? (cheryl wong )idk.:)
22. Is 4 single? ( cheryl wong )yup.
23. Yr relationship with 1? ( cherry)my laopo:)
24. Are 5 & 6 best friends? (cheryl wong n kenneth)lol,so not.:)
25. 9's surname? ( han yi)choo han yi
26. 7's nickname? ( casper)roasted black chicken.:)
27. Say smth to 8. (ryan)you r dam fat n retarded.:D
28. Say smth to help 9? ( han yi)hi lover:)
29. Who does 1 admire? (cherry )idk.glenda?
30. Where does 1 live? (cherry)pasir ris lor.
31.10 of them know who you like?nope,it secret n confidential:)
32. Say smth to 6 when you see her? ( kenneth)wa lao eh..thn blah blah-.-
33. 10's spouse? ( felicia )she's not married luh,too young:)
2. Relationship between you and him?he is my retarded friend:)
3. 5 impressions?he is dam fat.tink he is tall-.-very retarded!:) flirt n act ah beng:D
4. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?he alr is.always fight mah.jk
5. What will you say to the person you like very much?idk.
6. Characteristics i like about myself.idk.
7. Characteristics i hate about myself?too short!
8. For the person whom you hate, you say?idk.
9. What do people feel about you?i m not them how i noe-.-
10. Your crush?no1:D
11. Most ideal person you wanna be?me:D
12. Pass this to 10 ppl.
2.cheryl G
4.cheryl w
9.han yi
13. if 5 & 7 were together? (glenda n casper)idk.maybe can:o
14. Who does 5 like? ( glenda )idk.
15. What colour does 9 like? ( han yi)idk.
16. Say smth about 8. (ryan)he is lik dam retarded n fat lor!:o :D
17. Who is 2? ( cheryl goh)my bestie/boyfriend
18. Talk about 3. ( natalie )she's pretty n cute.:)
19. Who is 10's best friend? ( felicia )lynn bah.
20. Who's the sexiest among all 10?all of them, except ryan haha.
21. What colour does 4 like? (cheryl wong )idk.:)
22. Is 4 single? ( cheryl wong )yup.
23. Yr relationship with 1? ( cherry)my laopo:)
24. Are 5 & 6 best friends? (cheryl wong n kenneth)lol,so not.:)
25. 9's surname? ( han yi)choo han yi
26. 7's nickname? ( casper)roasted black chicken.:)
27. Say smth to 8. (ryan)you r dam fat n retarded.:D
28. Say smth to help 9? ( han yi)hi lover:)
29. Who does 1 admire? (cherry )idk.glenda?
30. Where does 1 live? (cherry)pasir ris lor.
31.10 of them know who you like?nope,it secret n confidential:)
32. Say smth to 6 when you see her? ( kenneth)wa lao eh..thn blah blah-.-
33. 10's spouse? ( felicia )she's not married luh,too young:)
Played basketball for lik continuous 3 days(thursday,friday n saturday),dam fun sia everyday play match n everyday lose-.-!coz is boys mah,but dunno who they r is some kind of p6 boys who r 'retarded' thats wat i call them la...everyday quarrel,i everyday injured them:D
yesterday wanted to play basketball at 3pm with nat n cherry then they last min wan go buy bubble tea then ended up i waited 4 lik 30 min?then jst shoot n shoot then call th "retarded little ducks" thats the name i call them la.then they toook dam long to cm down when its only downstairs then nat say becoz they retarded so they longer,as understanding ppl,we waited patiently:D(very good hor?lol)
thn play the match awhile,we were leading then rain-ed-.-!but we dun care end up nvr stop so we zhao in the building n th rain didn't stop...zzz....we wanted to play downstair th blk 418 la but retarded say cnnt got wat uncle will scold ah,so nvr.ended up quarreling under th blk 4 lik 20min?cherry jst keep quiet n laugh so i was th 1 quarreling la,but nat oso got join in abit la..fight till sian thn we run to my hse take cover lor..
nth say lerh,bye:D 2mr band..sian..zzzz...hate drills-.-
yesterday wanted to play basketball at 3pm with nat n cherry then they last min wan go buy bubble tea then ended up i waited 4 lik 30 min?then jst shoot n shoot then call th "retarded little ducks" thats the name i call them la.then they toook dam long to cm down when its only downstairs then nat say becoz they retarded so they longer,as understanding ppl,we waited patiently:D(very good hor?lol)
thn play the match awhile,we were leading then rain-ed-.-!but we dun care end up nvr stop so we zhao in the building n th rain didn't stop...zzz....we wanted to play downstair th blk 418 la but retarded say cnnt got wat uncle will scold ah,so nvr.ended up quarreling under th blk 4 lik 20min?cherry jst keep quiet n laugh so i was th 1 quarreling la,but nat oso got join in abit la..fight till sian thn we run to my hse take cover lor..
nth say lerh,bye:D 2mr band..sian..zzzz...hate drills-.-
Monday, November 17, 2008
2day woke up at 7 plus to go band!-.-!then got drill....zzzz so retarded.we all sweat lik hell?i hate DRILLSSSss!!!then set up instrument go 4 sectionals.then we were lik slacking?:D then we laugh n laugh then me n xin zhi keep singing the hsm3 songs dam funny lor.we all dam hungry so we countdown to lunch:)
finally its lunch:D was lik so hungry then we wan eat the chicken rice,then nvr open-.-!eat the lor mee n carrot cake the lor mee nt nice coz got vegetables..the carrot cake not bad la.then go back sch for band AGAIN!
then go out 4 sectionals AGAIN!nvr slack as much as morning coz got energy lerh aft lunch:) then we all combine then coming 3pm,we slack all the way again-.-!:DD then go back band room keep instrument then pack up go home:DD so happy!
Went to play basketball with cherry,nat,cherylss,ryan kenneth n casper.the 3 boys oso nvr play wan-.-!they keep saying wat i short!retarded lor..they oso not VERY TALL!they keep disturbing me then i drink the water n spit on ryan!hahaha!he zhao immediately sia..lol! but....he go use my bag n clean-.-!stupid fool then they go throw the potato chips at me-.- i hate them then aft awhile go home lerh lor.
finally its lunch:D was lik so hungry then we wan eat the chicken rice,then nvr open-.-!eat the lor mee n carrot cake the lor mee nt nice coz got vegetables..the carrot cake not bad la.then go back sch for band AGAIN!
then go out 4 sectionals AGAIN!nvr slack as much as morning coz got energy lerh aft lunch:) then we all combine then coming 3pm,we slack all the way again-.-!:DD then go back band room keep instrument then pack up go home:DD so happy!
Went to play basketball with cherry,nat,cherylss,ryan kenneth n casper.the 3 boys oso nvr play wan-.-!they keep saying wat i short!retarded lor..they oso not VERY TALL!they keep disturbing me then i drink the water n spit on ryan!hahaha!he zhao immediately sia..lol! but....he go use my bag n clean-.-!stupid fool then they go throw the potato chips at me-.- i hate them then aft awhile go home lerh lor.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Today dam tired sia.....was woken up by my sis at 6 plus le...so early-.-then can't sleep lerr then play psp till 7.30am then go prepare then go band.
Followed cheryl wong with xin zhi to west plaza but bread 4 her breakfast then go sch foyer tok while waiting 4 cherry n nat coz nat overslept...
Then band go 4 sectionals then at 12pm go lunch n then resume band sectionals.quite fun lor coz we chat n chat n laugh n laugh especially me n nat n xin zhi!Lol.then end band decided go play basketball since cheryl wong is willing to fetch me home on her bike;D
thats all bah:)
Followed cheryl wong with xin zhi to west plaza but bread 4 her breakfast then go sch foyer tok while waiting 4 cherry n nat coz nat overslept...
Then band go 4 sectionals then at 12pm go lunch n then resume band sectionals.quite fun lor coz we chat n chat n laugh n laugh especially me n nat n xin zhi!Lol.then end band decided go play basketball since cheryl wong is willing to fetch me home on her bike;D
then 1st match 10 points me,nat n cheryl wong 1 team then cherry,her brother n cheryl goh 1 team nnn my team won!!!yea!then i accidentally stepped till cherry's slipper haha!spoil n is unfixable:DD ps le cherry:DD then we play till face red red then rest awhile then go play again Then cheryl wong fetch me home;but nt on a bike la coz i too heavy:DD
thats all bah:)
Monday, November 10, 2008
'the coffin'-.-
ytd aft band went to e!hub with cherry to meet felicia,shalote n avena:)
felicia n shalote watch the hsm3 at tm then chiong to ehub to meet us.me n cherry dam hungry so we bought something light to eat then meet them then go pasta mania eat pizza!:D shalote eat finish then go home ler:(
then we go buy the movie tickets 4 'the coffin'! then bought drinks n popcorn then go in ler.i regret watching the show sia!so scary then not nice..no link ay all.i hide in my jacket when the scary thing coming out sia:P but i got c la coz when i hide i can c the corner of the screen.i hide n eat the popcorn n cover my ears.then felicia feed me drink coz i no more hand lerh.haha!so stupid lor me-.-then somehow cherry go scare till me sia! xia si ren lor!
then go white sands arcade play n call natalie come.play the drum the 'believe in love' extreme hor i die sia!coz my hand tired lerh..the we all play basketball.i partner nat.cherry ownself.then felicia n avena lor.felicia n avena 1st game lose ler me n nat 2nd game lose then cherry win lor she go till 3rd stage..hand tired sia.then they play the step the arrow thing.felicia oso play sia me n avena nvr play nia.felicia play till so happy lor!haha,so funny le she.
then me n felicia n avena go play basketball.felicia wan partner me then avena 1 person.then hor...somehow felicia throw the ball fly till behind n hit till 1 person sia!so funny lor!then we laugh n laugh then no strength throw almost cannot go to 2nd stage but lucky last min throw in 1 ball.but is border line pass.then we play again n is better la.
then they all play the para para dance xcept 4 me n avena.felicia pro sia.1st time dance get ''A'' sia.*clapp then awhile felicia n avena go home lerh left me,cherry n nat.then awhile we go home lerh lor...nth say lerr bb:)
felicia n shalote watch the hsm3 at tm then chiong to ehub to meet us.me n cherry dam hungry so we bought something light to eat then meet them then go pasta mania eat pizza!:D shalote eat finish then go home ler:(
then we go buy the movie tickets 4 'the coffin'! then bought drinks n popcorn then go in ler.i regret watching the show sia!so scary then not nice..no link ay all.i hide in my jacket when the scary thing coming out sia:P but i got c la coz when i hide i can c the corner of the screen.i hide n eat the popcorn n cover my ears.then felicia feed me drink coz i no more hand lerh.haha!so stupid lor me-.-then somehow cherry go scare till me sia! xia si ren lor!
then go white sands arcade play n call natalie come.play the drum the 'believe in love' extreme hor i die sia!coz my hand tired lerh..the we all play basketball.i partner nat.cherry ownself.then felicia n avena lor.felicia n avena 1st game lose ler me n nat 2nd game lose then cherry win lor she go till 3rd stage..hand tired sia.then they play the step the arrow thing.felicia oso play sia me n avena nvr play nia.felicia play till so happy lor!haha,so funny le she.
then me n felicia n avena go play basketball.felicia wan partner me then avena 1 person.then hor...somehow felicia throw the ball fly till behind n hit till 1 person sia!so funny lor!then we laugh n laugh then no strength throw almost cannot go to 2nd stage but lucky last min throw in 1 ball.but is border line pass.then we play again n is better la.
then they all play the para para dance xcept 4 me n avena.felicia pro sia.1st time dance get ''A'' sia.*clapp then awhile felicia n avena go home lerh left me,cherry n nat.then awhile we go home lerh lor...nth say lerr bb:)
a quiz?-.-
1. The person who tagged you this quiz is?- kimberly.
2. Relationship with her?-she is my jie:)
3. Five impression of her .- nice,funny,abit nuts:P,friendly and outgoing
4. Most memorable thing she had done for you.-hug me?lols
5. Most memorable thing she ever told you.- i 4get
6. If she becomes your lover, will you?-i m a pure lady
7. If she becomes your lover, what must she improve on?- i m soo not a les
8. If she become your enemy, you will?- i don't tink its possible..
9. Overall impression?-shes funny
10. How do you think the people around you think about you?- dunno.
11. Characteristics in you that you like?-i am stupid?:D
12. Characteristics in you that you hate?-being too stupid?:P.
13. Most ideal person you want to be?-dunno lei...happy can alr.dun have to be any1
14. For people that love & care for you, say something to them.- thanks 4 loving n caring me.jst know that i appreciate it:)
15. Pass this quiz to 10 other people.1.cherry.2.cheryl wong3.natalie.4.glenda.5.han yi.6.lynn.7.serene.8.shalote.9/10.no more lerr la...
16. Who is 6 having relationship with?han yi
17. If 7 & 10 get together, will it be a good thing? theres no 10
18. What is 2 studying?art?
19. What kind of band does 8 like? dunno
20. Does 1 have siblings? ya.a brother
21. Will you woo 3? xiao!she attached ler n i m not a les
22. Hows about 7? no way.
23. Is 4 single? yup!
24. What is 5 surname? choo.
25.What is 10 hobby? ....
26. Does 5 & 9 get along well? theres no 9-.-
27. Where is 2 studying at ? siglap sec sch
28. Say something about 1?shes my best friend:)
29. Where does 9 live? -i dunno.
30. What color does 4 like? i dunno.
31. Are 5 & 1 best friend?i dunno.u go ask them urself lor
32. What is 6 doing now? how do i noe?i m not her..
1. The person who tagged you this quiz is?- kimberly.
2. Relationship with her?-she is my jie:)
3. Five impression of her .- nice,funny,abit nuts:P,friendly and outgoing
4. Most memorable thing she had done for you.-hug me?lols
5. Most memorable thing she ever told you.- i 4get
6. If she becomes your lover, will you?-i m a pure lady
7. If she becomes your lover, what must she improve on?- i m soo not a les
8. If she become your enemy, you will?- i don't tink its possible..
9. Overall impression?-shes funny
10. How do you think the people around you think about you?- dunno.
11. Characteristics in you that you like?-i am stupid?:D
12. Characteristics in you that you hate?-being too stupid?:P.
13. Most ideal person you want to be?-dunno lei...happy can alr.dun have to be any1
14. For people that love & care for you, say something to them.- thanks 4 loving n caring me.jst know that i appreciate it:)
15. Pass this quiz to 10 other people.1.cherry.2.cheryl wong3.natalie.4.glenda.5.han yi.6.lynn.7.serene.8.shalote.9/10.no more lerr la...
16. Who is 6 having relationship with?han yi
17. If 7 & 10 get together, will it be a good thing? theres no 10
18. What is 2 studying?art?
19. What kind of band does 8 like? dunno
20. Does 1 have siblings? ya.a brother
21. Will you woo 3? xiao!she attached ler n i m not a les
22. Hows about 7? no way.
23. Is 4 single? yup!
24. What is 5 surname? choo.
25.What is 10 hobby? ....
26. Does 5 & 9 get along well? theres no 9-.-
27. Where is 2 studying at ? siglap sec sch
28. Say something about 1?shes my best friend:)
29. Where does 9 live? -i dunno.
30. What color does 4 like? i dunno.
31. Are 5 & 1 best friend?i dunno.u go ask them urself lor
32. What is 6 doing now? how do i noe?i m not her..
Thursday, November 6, 2008
nvr blogg-ed 4 a few days lerh..
there is like nth to do at home lorhs...zzz...everyday do homework:) guai rite?:p actually is 1 day 2 page only la..:P
2day my mum work nite so she bring me go tm buy my grandfather's b-day present then go fetch my sis go ikea eat then go giant buy my FBT shorts.finally lor...i wait very long lerh le..the go courts c refrigerator then went home n com...
nth to blog lerhs
there is like nth to do at home lorhs...zzz...everyday do homework:) guai rite?:p actually is 1 day 2 page only la..:P
2day my mum work nite so she bring me go tm buy my grandfather's b-day present then go fetch my sis go ikea eat then go giant buy my FBT shorts.finally lor...i wait very long lerh le..the go courts c refrigerator then went home n com...
nth to blog lerhs
Monday, November 3, 2008
i hate ryan:D
aft band today went to white sands to eat sakae sushi :D! cherry blanja then i eat a lot sia only need pay $4.75.very cheap:) ryan,kanneth,casper n kevin sit the nxt table.they order alot sia!coz is eat bufffet.0.O i oso order alot:P.eat eat lerh.
then go arcade play.i play the drum then ryan they all go disturb sia!dam stupid lor they!:P ryan go hit cheryl head dam hard then hit my head too!we chase aft him like siao sia.i hit him n kenneth n casper haha!dam shiok lor:D thanks to oswin help us catch ryan n make him do the parapara dance.then oswin oso do.he alot of style sia.pro.then actually wan go basketball court play n celebrate cherry birthday derr then rain-.-!then go the multi-purpose hall lor.
waited 4 the 3 fools(ryan,kenneth n casper)n cheryl(the sexy) 4 like very long?then sang the b-day song.wanted to throw the cake at cherry wan then kenneth go sabo me!say dun throw cherry throw me then i kena lor!(frm ryan n kenneth)stupid sia my hair n shirt all cake.disgusting lor! dam oily le!-.-then the whole floor oso cake.then ryan frm the top go drop the cake at cherry.throw the cake at me n cheryl goh n cheryl wong.only nat n oswin clean bah.si ryan,chou ryan! then i go throw the cake at him n kena his whole t-shirt behind!Lol!get my revenge lerh,but is little bit only lor.i c him 1 time hit him 1 time.i swear!:D
p.s. si ryan,chou ryan!curse him!
then go arcade play.i play the drum then ryan they all go disturb sia!dam stupid lor they!:P ryan go hit cheryl head dam hard then hit my head too!we chase aft him like siao sia.i hit him n kenneth n casper haha!dam shiok lor:D thanks to oswin help us catch ryan n make him do the parapara dance.then oswin oso do.he alot of style sia.pro.then actually wan go basketball court play n celebrate cherry birthday derr then rain-.-!then go the multi-purpose hall lor.
waited 4 the 3 fools(ryan,kenneth n casper)n cheryl(the sexy) 4 like very long?then sang the b-day song.wanted to throw the cake at cherry wan then kenneth go sabo me!say dun throw cherry throw me then i kena lor!(frm ryan n kenneth)stupid sia my hair n shirt all cake.disgusting lor! dam oily le!-.-then the whole floor oso cake.then ryan frm the top go drop the cake at cherry.throw the cake at me n cheryl goh n cheryl wong.only nat n oswin clean bah.si ryan,chou ryan! then i go throw the cake at him n kena his whole t-shirt behind!Lol!get my revenge lerh,but is little bit only lor.i c him 1 time hit him 1 time.i swear!:D
p.s. si ryan,chou ryan!curse him!
Friday, October 31, 2008
went to bugis street and marina square with my mother yesterday to buy my things first go eat at the dunno wat asian shop wan la.the food not bad la.then go find the Left and Right shoe shop to buy the hand-drew shoes.me n my mother 1st costumer sia.the shoes not bad la but is like damn x lor!!! $42 :x somemore frm china!!!early noe dun buy lerh.being the 1st costumers we pai se mah,so jst buy lor..
then walk-ed to bugis then my mother go tcc drink coffee i down there dozing off/listening to music..zzz...then she ask me go the wat kino--bookshop to find my magazine 1st.went to choose then my mother come.pay ler then go bugis street lor.
bought 3 tees 4 myself n 2 tees 4 my sis n 1 tee 4 my cousin which cost $60:x!!then walk around.wanted to buy hoodie then my mother say not nice then nvr buuy lor:( nvm.then bought a white skinnies n then walk around then went home lerh lors.because of this nvr go play badminton with my frenz:x anw nxt time still can go mah n i WILL go coz the match between me n oswin is not over yet!haha,although i noe i going to lose lerh:P nvm nth say lerhs.
TTFN(tata 4 now:)
then walk-ed to bugis then my mother go tcc drink coffee i down there dozing off/listening to music..zzz...then she ask me go the wat kino--bookshop to find my magazine 1st.went to choose then my mother come.pay ler then go bugis street lor.
bought 3 tees 4 myself n 2 tees 4 my sis n 1 tee 4 my cousin which cost $60:x!!then walk around.wanted to buy hoodie then my mother say not nice then nvr buuy lor:( nvm.then bought a white skinnies n then walk around then went home lerh lors.because of this nvr go play badminton with my frenz:x anw nxt time still can go mah n i WILL go coz the match between me n oswin is not over yet!haha,although i noe i going to lose lerh:P nvm nth say lerhs.
TTFN(tata 4 now:)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
u r a nice person i have met:D
2day is a boring day-.-
rotting at home-.-
coming is the best when i m rotting at home:D
u r a nice person i have met:D
2day is a boring day-.-
rotting at home-.-
coming is the best when i m rotting at home:D
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
class outing?0.o
every1 tot ms lie b-day was yesterday but end up was last sunday-.-bt nvm.at least get to go out then rot at home-.-meet han yi then go white sands meet felicia n ai shu n phyllis then go buy cake.
we were like playing a fool lor!damn funny la then phyllis almost spit out the ginseng!lol.then go ntuc buy the utensils,halfway realise that downtowneast cheaper so we jst put down the basket on the floor n run out!heng nobody saw:P then walk to downtowneast while phyllis take bus.
go the dte ntuc realise that there more x-.-soo....we put down the basket and run away again!:P go cheers buy.then met the boys go arcade awhile then go pasir ris park.
dunno wat happen some ppl argued?then phyllis angry.so me han yi n phyllis n felicia go take the cake at white sands...so far..n very hot lehs..then go back take taxi.ask boys pay.they dun wan-.-felicia pay lor.
then ms lie came sang b-day song n eat the cake then ms lie say if we tell her about 2day's party she can bring food mahs..then ask her treat mac,she bring $2 only-.-lol..so rich.then go playground play then sat on the floor count money-.-then went home..so tired sia..but quite fun la.
we were like playing a fool lor!damn funny la then phyllis almost spit out the ginseng!lol.then go ntuc buy the utensils,halfway realise that downtowneast cheaper so we jst put down the basket on the floor n run out!heng nobody saw:P then walk to downtowneast while phyllis take bus.
go the dte ntuc realise that there more x-.-soo....we put down the basket and run away again!:P go cheers buy.then met the boys go arcade awhile then go pasir ris park.
dunno wat happen some ppl argued?then phyllis angry.so me han yi n phyllis n felicia go take the cake at white sands...so far..n very hot lehs..then go back take taxi.ask boys pay.they dun wan-.-felicia pay lor.
then ms lie came sang b-day song n eat the cake then ms lie say if we tell her about 2day's party she can bring food mahs..then ask her treat mac,she bring $2 only-.-lol..so rich.then go playground play then sat on the floor count money-.-then went home..so tired sia..but quite fun la.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
high sch musical 3
went to watch high sch musical 3 yesterday with cheryl goh,glenda,ryan,kevin,kenneth,casper and ryan friend(4get the name lerhhs).bought 2.15pm show coz 12.45pm wan sold out lerhhs.since got alot of time,go eat mac then i cannot finish the fries so go arcade find ryan since he pig so ask him help me eat.:P but he dun wan so bo bian throw lor.played arcade awhile then ended up fighting with ryan coz he dun wan give us the ticket so chase him all the way upstairs but me n glenda pay lerh so he give us the ticket but nvr give cheryl so we go snatch like rape him like that sia..then cheryl jst pay lor then he give so we enter 1st.the seats is nt 2gether is 2,2 and 4 so we go in 1st then purposely take the 4 seats wan.ended up i m the wan who seat wif a boi-.-! is the ryan friend sia..wth.then kenneth go buy food then they go throw his bag beside me n ended up seating wif him-.-then they keep turning around n smile smile-.-so irritating sia..all the dirty thoughts go into their head lor.they tink i like him le!wth lor! is like nvr man!especially the kissing part.they will turn-.-stupid sia!the show finish lerh i go hit ryan haed 2 times then he go hit my head back le!wat kind of 'man' is he sia then i go slap him:P!shiok sia!the show damn nice le.very romantic n interestin.then go white sands meet natalie n glenda go home lerhs.played arcade then go home lerhs lor..but nat n cheryl go play basketball.actually wan go but will come home late so nvr go lerhs:( went home n rot n watch tv lor..
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
its the last few days of sch lerhs...:( start frm monday
its the first day of post sch activities.in class read the wat cyberbully thing la-.-was like so lame.then go canteen hear the anti-smoking talk-.-...tok tok tok...
then had recess. then play netball coz we pick till netball.heng sia,others like not fun wan.play till very sweaty lor.but fun can lerhs.aft that got band le! very tired,no energy go..was like dozing off in band lor:P not only me.went home oso dozing off-.-the second half of the day was like sooo b0ring-.-
the next day,tuesday go discovery centre lor.waited in the quadrangle very long 4 the bus n was like waited 4 1h coz we last class go.me,cherry,phyllis n velvina play the scissors paper stone lose muz slap de hand.fun sia!cherry n phyllis hand the redest n nw still in healing state.lol.then reach there alr.sit bus again to tour around the place lor.then go have a break.saw denka!suae arh!then go c the dunno 3D OR 2D OR 4D movie got special effect wan.cool sia! damn nice.then go the F1 quiz vs 1e3 then lose-.-then assemble at the outside there,board the bus n went back sch.coz the journey very long so fauzi sleep.phyllis go disturb him,but he dunno.l0l.then go home lor.
2day g0 HPB(health promotion board) abit boring la..go the wat health talk then go break then go the tour to write down the answer 4 the worksheet but oso nvr collect wan.so dun care lor.like dat then go back lerh-.-but in the bus me i open the sour sweet i give hanyi eat.she dunno is sour le!lol,her whole face change immediately sia.then we challenge eat the sweet cannot change face.haha,i lost in 1 match.then reach sch n took pic with kimberly n then walk in the rain 2 the bus-stop n wait 4 natalie then go home lor(2 sleep)zzz,sian.
kimberly think frm monday to 2day keep hugging me n sing me song,lol! damn funny lor,haha:DD
its the first day of post sch activities.in class read the wat cyberbully thing la-.-was like so lame.then go canteen hear the anti-smoking talk-.-...tok tok tok...
the next day,tuesday go discovery centre lor.waited in the quadrangle very long 4 the bus n was like waited 4 1h coz we last class go.me,cherry,phyllis n velvina play the scissors paper stone lose muz slap de hand.fun sia!cherry n phyllis hand the redest n nw still in healing state.lol.then reach there alr.sit bus again to tour around the place lor.then go have a break.saw denka!suae arh!then go c the dunno 3D OR 2D OR 4D movie got special effect wan.cool sia! damn nice.then go the F1 quiz vs 1e3 then lose-.-then assemble at the outside there,board the bus n went back sch.coz the journey very long so fauzi sleep.phyllis go disturb him,but he dunno.l0l.then go home lor.
2day g0 HPB(health promotion board) abit boring la..go the wat health talk then go break then go the tour to write down the answer 4 the worksheet but oso nvr collect wan.so dun care lor.like dat then go back lerh-.-but in the bus me i open the sour sweet i give hanyi eat.she dunno is sour le!lol,her whole face change immediately sia.then we challenge eat the sweet cannot change face.haha,i lost in 1 match.then reach sch n took pic with kimberly n then walk in the rain 2 the bus-stop n wait 4 natalie then go home lor(2 sleep)zzz,sian.
kimberly think frm monday to 2day keep hugging me n sing me song,lol! damn funny lor,haha:DD
dun wanna leave this class...:( 1 year goes too fast lerhz...:( although i hate this class like hell in the beginning, n0w i love this class loads!:D dun wan 2 be seperated with ppl in 1e4 D:
Monday, October 20, 2008

it was my b-day last saturday n i had a chalet so invite my primary sch frenz go lor.1st me,cherry,cheryl goh n glenda go play ball in the air-con playground then went swimming.all nvr bring swim suit so just swim with my clothes. lifeguard scolded us but we dun care just swim lor:P then he walk away we swim n go jaccuzi.G0 back 2 the chalet n change then the ryan n casper go play the ball, kick till damn hard lor,xiao. then go arcade play awhile,felt hungry so go back n eat! the ryan n casper very pai se dun dare go take food.they this kind of ppl oso will pai se meh?...ask me help them take...i dun care them lor..ask them take themselves then finally,they go take-.-played basketball, girl vs girls. my group lose then the winning girls group vs the boiis n they lose!s0 stupid sia they n they play cheat wan lor-.-then girl vs bois.we play the no rules wan,haha so fun lor.the fat ryan go put the ball under his shirt n run around coz we say cann0t run with the ball but nvr say cannot put the ball under the shirt n run..-.-so stupid lor..in the end we draw lor then they play the skateboard awhile,took taxi go home.(so rich lor)
we ate the deserts then cherry n glenda went home le..coz they cannot sleep over:( left me,the 2 cheryls n nat lor.went to the room n open the presents then we girls/secret tok. so funny n fun lor!tok till 3plus then slp(zzz)too tired...woke up at 9 plus then go home bathe n meet n ws 4 lunch. then go play arcade lor.then go play basketball 4 awhile then rain-.-actually ask ryan come wan lor then he last min laz then dun wan cm..-.- kenneth n casper came but...play rollerblade. coz raining,me n cheryl goh take bus go white sands.play arcade awhile,then buy food eat/watch the free tv show then went hm le lor
we ate the deserts then cherry n glenda went home le..coz they cannot sleep over:( left me,the 2 cheryls n nat lor.went to the room n open the presents then we girls/secret tok. so funny n fun lor!tok till 3plus then slp(zzz)too tired...woke up at 9 plus then go home bathe n meet n ws 4 lunch. then go play arcade lor.then go play basketball 4 awhile then rain-.-actually ask ryan come wan lor then he last min laz then dun wan cm..-.- kenneth n casper came but...play rollerblade. coz raining,me n cheryl goh take bus go white sands.play arcade awhile,then buy food eat/watch the free tv show then went hm le lor
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Last Day of lessons:(

17 oct alr...last day of lessons le...so sad..:(
today P.E damn fun lor..:D girls play captain's ball then bois play frisbee n ball bah..
we at 1st use 1 ball nia then mrs khiu say try use 2 ball,more challenging:D seriously damn challenging lor.is like 2 person call u catch the ball then you oso dunno who 2 answer but slowly,it gets funner n funner!:DD play till very tired,no strength to run le. we were like sweat till very wet lor..me and kimberly was like...always snatching the ball!very funny lor:DD
then science le,oso last lesson..watch kungfu panda,funny lor,although i watch before le..
aft recess,geography.as usual,mrs menon last wan 2 cm fetch us..then she brought us to the library to dunnoe do wat la..just slack n rot there lor.then hanyi,lynn and ai shu cm n tell me happy birthday in advance.(so happy,touched:D)haha,anyway thanks alot 2 them.then they wan go bully fauzi but he dun care.then hanyi n ai shu started 'fighting',think is pull each other skirts.then ai shu accidentally go squeeze han yi's butt.l0l. hanyi say very 'shuang',haha.they were like keep pulling until we outside our classroom then hahahaha..ai shu go squeeze hanyi's whole butt le!omg lor..
nxt lesson,which is also the last english class,we tok with mrs ng lor..mrs ng ask who confiddent that he/she pass then everyone was like pai se to raise their hands,only fauzi the dare devil raise his hand lor.lol! then mrs tok like we will nvr c her again...so sad:( coz she is a good and fun teacher in most of the ppl in 1e4's heart:)then watch mr bean,it is very funny but fauzi go laugh until like wat sia..so hilarious lor..
end sch le...rain no umbrella..how?walk in the rain lor anyway is last day of the week...i was like super wet de lor.but quite fun la.:D i hope no one in 1e4 will leave the class le..but bo bian...soo0 sad sia..it is truely a pretty fun class:DD
Was like rotting at hm then neighbour oso rotting at hm then go her house play monopoly lor.so funny sia we play laugh n laugh.then play boster fight/poster fight.use the camprock poster n hit each other!:D then go my hse watch tv,pillow fight then go hm le l0r.
Ltr going pasar malam:P buy loads of food to eat! yum yum! can't wait till 10pm lor:DDwait cherry and cheryl goh c this post say i pig again...:P
L00king 4ward to my birthday 2mr!:DDD
Monday, October 13, 2008
wild wild wet

L0L. 2day fun sia,went to e!hub wif cherry,cheryl,nat n glenda.actually kenneth wan go but ryan lazy go casper dun wan go so nvr go...2 bad they miss the fun! we ate pastamania then go take neoprint.aft that play arcade until 12.48pm like that went 2 buy ticket 4 wild wild wet! go change liao then put our things in the locker then zhao 2 the pool! 1st place we go is the shiok river,fo 1 round then go sit the ulala;'family slide' fun sia. took picture but n0t nice...go sit again,haha still not up 2 our expectation lor but lazy climb stairs...go the children playground play the slides n the water falling part.then decided 2 go shiok river again.me n cherry wan go up the float but cannot jump up,lol,then we laugh like xiao lor..many ppl looking at us.. then bo bian i jump down the float pang se cherry...:Pthen she lose balance n 'SPLASH' she drop in the pool unexpectedly,funny lor! i laugh like xiao.
nat n cheryl was like way behind...n found out that they could go on the float coz at the stairs there they alr jump up lor...smart l0r they..me n cherry dumb dumb..:P go the very small children water playground..the slide damn fun sia..go down very fast..but so short nia...then go the tsunami wave pool float here n there go sit ulala again...this time the picture nice liao so me n cherry decided 2 buy the phot0 make in2 keychain.:D go many rounds of shiok river..cherry piggybag cheryl,natalie piggyback me:DDD
aft that we stop n float liao.2nd round,cheryl piggyback me go 2wards the bubble part, expecting 2 float...THEN....she suddenly kena capsize in the bubble sia! coz she stupid stupid go step on the bubble,funny sia,she suddenly sink then i was like blur blur finding here then saw her stand up,n i started laughing very loudly! then she keep on asking me 2 shut up coz she pai se...L0l!
then just go many rounds...very tired n hungry liao decided go sit ulala then stop just go bath n then eat. then ate kfc...ate 2 much c oso wan wan puke...especially the cheese fries...then i went hm cherry nat n cheryl go buy cherry's mum present.2day was like so0o0o0o fun lor!stop blogging liao le...sian wan slp 2mr cfm cannot wake up 4 sch lor...zzz.go sch is like BORING!zzzz..
P.S dun wake up better dun nd go sch:DD:P
Friday, October 10, 2008
2day fun sia
hello,so long nvr blog liao..boring...lazy type...2day fun lor at 1st go bugis wif cherry,cheryl n nat!! i bought 2 shorts n 1 tee:) then ltr go tm meet denka,ryan n kevin. last min wan go escape haha..but we jst go tm meet them lor..eat then go ws play arcade-.-as usual then i go hm liao la coz they wan play bb i dunno play..haha go hm play com watch tv...as usual nth tok liao bb..
looking 4ward 2 monday:)go escape wif gals n bois,k.tay treat:DD
looking 4ward 2 monday:)go escape wif gals n bois,k.tay treat:DD
Saturday, September 27, 2008
EOY exam
OMG EOY de exams coming!!!!! i die le lor...:( got loads of subject dunnoe how 2 do...so hard le......nvm i will not be posting 4 nxt few weeks bah..muz study hard...wait kena scolding...cannot go out then DIE...:(
P.S Good luck 4 evey1's E0Y exam!!
P.S Good luck 4 evey1's E0Y exam!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
haha 2day in sch very funny lor...zuhaizat yesterday dunno go watch wat show then 2day become my genie n wan grant me 3 wishes..haha most of it nvr come true wan..haha fake..got 1 i wish lynn stop hitting me then he go ask lynn stop.if she hit me he knock his head on the wall then scold lynn. u noe wat he do?he go take lynn pooh bear then her nike waterbottle wan drown the pooh bear dam funny lor!!!then he threaten lynn 2 stop..ryan oso join in he ask zuhaizat faster drown the pooh bear but he dun wan he jst spray water at the pooh then zhao.ryan wan give lynn back the bear then he purposely flick it in front of lynn then the bear fly on the floor..si be funny lor..lol..then recess then mother tongue-.-boring..then science then history.then PA last guitar lesson...play a few songs the watch video..they go disturb fauzi very funny lor the aft dat geography remedial..abit boring la but mrs menon v.good la give us alot of notes 4 exam..nw using com n slack liao...EOY coming every jy wor!!:D
Thursday, September 18, 2008
another boring day in sch...zzz-.-pc then maths n finally recess.cherry go draw 1 girl n 1 boy then shalote go write cherry n justin.then they go change the name 2 shalote n zong ru. i help shalote but the plan fail lor..i ask cheryl help me draw cherry n justin then pass 2 justin very funny lor..haha then we nvr do duty coz the 1st table oso no1 do what duty???...then kena scolding by 1 councillor lor..-.-dun care la he say go help other councillor la...but how i noe lor...nvr say earlier...sian la...dun care this liao.then shalote go ask kimberly 2 draw 3 sets of lover...o0o0o...u wan noe who? 1st is 'cherry n justin' nxt is 'serene n brian' last is 'serene n ong bang hao'!!! very compatible rite?haha cherry still dun noe got her n justin shhh....haha lazy type liao la...bb...zzzz -.-
Monday, September 8, 2008
go out wif frenz

yesterday go white sands with cheryls,cherry n nat.they cm my hse 2 play psp n dog. then go ws eat mac. then i go dip the french fries in the bbq sauce then cheryl hold her then put the sauce on her nose haha then force her eat it! haha so funny lor....then we take her wallet n hide she dun noe sia until we go arcade then she realise..haha then we give her lor...the trick end too fast liao la..then we play the percussion freak n the car racing thing lor..until 5 plus cherry n nat go hm. outside the arcade got free cotton candy wif any ws receipt we go arcade n take frm the guy 2 times so we eat 2 cotton candy lor..haha soo nice but we so greedy sia...:P then go take pic at pretty pix then go hm liao..complete hmwk.
last saturday i went to my father friend the wat house warming party ah coz they jst got married n they move 2 a new house in the yishun condo. dam nice sia there!!!! very limited food le sooo hungry...haha...-.-the house got air con evrywhere lor shiok! me n cheryl wong play the pool water splash here n there...haha b4 she can take out her socks alr wet liao lo...haha my doing...then play psp the DJ MAX till no battery...-.- nothing 2 do...then eat my father bbq the chicken..then play cards..went hm that time alr 2.15am liao lo soooo tired..zzzzzzz
Saturday, August 30, 2008
hi guyyss!!!!!!!!! i 2day sooo happy sia....after wushu go play badminton with cherry , cheryl goh n cheryl wong.i wait downstairs 4 them very long sia....aiyo...-.-we play in the multi purpose hall coz very hot then awhile go the badminton court n play.then we eat cup noodles as lunch coz very hungry...hehe then buy drink so thirsty lor...we play n laugh sia so funny lor.then we saw xin zhi n her mother go out they keep on looking at us sia.... dun care la...so fun lor me n cheryl goh eat n eat LOL....i lazy write liao....bye-bye:D
Friday, August 29, 2008
teacher's day

Hi again!!!!! 2day in sch celebrate teacher's day!!!! first of all is p.e then we take height n weight then play captain's ball....after that is science ms soh say she dun wan torture us so we do anything we want!!!woohoo!!!!recess liao actually councillors nd go perform n do duty want le... -.-sian so jst skip lor....:P shhh.......then got teacher's day concert. 11 teachers get prize 4 being the Best teacher nnnnnnnnn woohoo!!!!! my 3 fav teachers get!!!! is mrs ng , mrs menon and ms fong!!! so happy sia.....after that go back coral pri c mr peh n give him card. then went white sand wif glenda, cherry natalie . eat kfc the zinger meal...got hot n spicy burger, the fishcake thing, mash potato , drink!!!! sooooooooo yummy!!! then go arcade play drum n car saw cheryl goh there then she join us yehhh!!!!!!!!!!so happy i sabo nat when she play the drum then 1st stage lost liao....lol she scold me sia haha cheryl play drum i oso disturb her then she disturb me too...lol we took a picture then i go home liao....nothing to say liao bb-.-
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