Hi again!!!!! 2day in sch celebrate teacher's day!!!! first of all is p.e then we take height n weight then play captain's ball....after that is science ms soh say she dun wan torture us so we do anything we want!!!woohoo!!!!recess liao actually councillors nd go perform n do duty want le... -.-sian so jst skip lor....:P shhh.......then got teacher's day concert. 11 teachers get prize 4 being the Best teacher nnnnnnnnn woohoo!!!!! my 3 fav teachers get!!!! is mrs ng , mrs menon and ms fong!!! so happy sia.....after that go back coral pri c mr peh n give him card. then went white sand wif glenda, cherry natalie . eat kfc the zinger meal...got hot n spicy burger, the fishcake thing, mash potato , drink!!!! sooooooooo yummy!!! then go arcade play drum n car saw cheryl goh there then she join us yehhh!!!!!!!!!!so happy i sabo nat when she play the drum then 1st stage lost liao....lol she scold me sia haha cheryl play drum i oso disturb her then she disturb me too...lol we took a picture then i go home liao....nothing to say liao bb-.-
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