it was my b-day last saturday n i had a chalet so invite my primary sch frenz go lor.1st me,cherry,cheryl goh n glenda go play ball in the air-con playground then went swimming.all nvr bring swim suit so just swim with my clothes. lifeguard scolded us but we dun care just swim lor:P then he walk away we swim n go jaccuzi.G0 back 2 the chalet n change then the ryan n casper go play the ball, kick till damn hard lor,xiao. then go arcade play awhile,felt hungry so go back n eat! the ryan n casper very pai se dun dare go take food.they this kind of ppl oso will pai se meh?...ask me help them take...i dun care them lor..ask them take themselves then finally,they go take-.-played basketball, girl vs girls. my group lose then the winning girls group vs the boiis n they lose!s0 stupid sia they n they play cheat wan lor-.-then girl vs bois.we play the no rules wan,haha so fun lor.the fat ryan go put the ball under his shirt n run around coz we say cann0t run with the ball but nvr say cannot put the ball under the shirt n run..-.-so stupid lor..in the end we draw lor then they play the skateboard awhile,took taxi go home.(so rich lor)
we ate the deserts then cherry n glenda went home le..coz they cannot sleep over:( left me,the 2 cheryls n nat lor.went to the room n open the presents then we girls/secret tok. so funny n fun lor!tok till 3plus then slp(zzz)too tired...woke up at 9 plus then go home bathe n meet n ws 4 lunch. then go play arcade lor.then go play basketball 4 awhile then rain-.-actually ask ryan come wan lor then he last min laz then dun wan cm..-.- kenneth n casper came but...play rollerblade. coz raining,me n cheryl goh take bus go white sands.play arcade awhile,then buy food eat/watch the free tv show then went hm le lor
we ate the deserts then cherry n glenda went home le..coz they cannot sleep over:( left me,the 2 cheryls n nat lor.went to the room n open the presents then we girls/secret tok. so funny n fun lor!tok till 3plus then slp(zzz)too tired...woke up at 9 plus then go home bathe n meet n ws 4 lunch. then go play arcade lor.then go play basketball 4 awhile then rain-.-actually ask ryan come wan lor then he last min laz then dun wan cm..-.- kenneth n casper came but...play rollerblade. coz raining,me n cheryl goh take bus go white sands.play arcade awhile,then buy food eat/watch the free tv show then went hm le lor
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