L0L. 2day fun sia,went to e!hub wif cherry,cheryl,nat n glenda.actually kenneth wan go but ryan lazy go casper dun wan go so nvr go...2 bad they miss the fun! we ate pastamania then go take neoprint.aft that play arcade until 12.48pm like that went 2 buy ticket 4 wild wild wet! go change liao then put our things in the locker then zhao 2 the pool! 1st place we go is the shiok river,fo 1 round then go sit the ulala;'family slide' fun sia. took picture but n0t nice...go sit again,haha still not up 2 our expectation lor but lazy climb stairs...go the children playground play the slides n the water falling part.then decided 2 go shiok river again.me n cherry wan go up the float but cannot jump up,lol,then we laugh like xiao lor..many ppl looking at us.. then bo bian i jump down the float pang se cherry...:Pthen she lose balance n 'SPLASH' she drop in the pool unexpectedly,funny lor! i laugh like xiao.
nat n cheryl was like way behind...n found out that they could go on the float coz at the stairs there they alr jump up lor...smart l0r they..me n cherry dumb dumb..:P go the very small children water playground..the slide damn fun sia..go down very fast..but so short nia...then go the tsunami wave pool float here n there go sit ulala again...this time the picture nice liao so me n cherry decided 2 buy the phot0 make in2 keychain.:D go many rounds of shiok river..cherry piggybag cheryl,natalie piggyback me:DDD
aft that we stop n float liao.2nd round,cheryl piggyback me go 2wards the bubble part, expecting 2 float...THEN....she suddenly kena capsize in the bubble sia! coz she stupid stupid go step on the bubble,funny sia,she suddenly sink then i was like blur blur finding here then saw her stand up,n i started laughing very loudly! then she keep on asking me 2 shut up coz she pai se...L0l!
then just go many rounds...very tired n hungry liao decided go sit ulala then stop just go bath n then eat. then ate kfc...ate 2 much c oso wan wan puke...especially the cheese fries...then i went hm cherry nat n cheryl go buy cherry's mum present.2day was like so0o0o0o fun lor!stop blogging liao le...sian wan slp 2mr cfm cannot wake up 4 sch lor...zzz.go sch is like BORING!zzzz..
P.S dun wake up better dun nd go sch:DD:P
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