Played Blk catching with Kristie,Shane and Augustus halfway kristie's maid scold lik hell say wht cnnt play with boys-.-Thn kristie dun care jst play thn th maid go call th damn fierce auntie sia! Ass lahh,thn she cnnt play liao still get scolding..Thn my sisters came bk frm swimming liaos thn join me n Augustus thn called Brandon cm play. At 1st we jst sit at th shelter thr thn they say wn play volleyball thn Eileen n Regina go up take ball thn Brandon ran up th second floor cos some1 called him thn Augustus shout Regina cm dwn liao thn he chiong lik crazy dwn lahh,Lol,see hw much he care about her sia..lolss. Regina end up bring skateboard dwn nia-.-Thn they play so damn funny lahhs tht Brandon keep falling dwn,HAHA,its countless:DD He keep crying sia,must pity him bt i keep laughing,thn Augustus say i bad whn he oso laugh-.-Ass.They all falled dwn. They almost make till th shit bt nvr! Ohh manns,no good show:P Hehe. Played till 7plus thn go home lor.:)
Played Blk catching with Kristie,Shane and Augustus halfway kristie's maid scold lik hell say wht cnnt play with boys-.-Thn kristie dun care jst play thn th maid go call th damn fierce auntie sia! Ass lahh,thn she cnnt play liao still get scolding..Thn my sisters came bk frm swimming liaos thn join me n Augustus thn called Brandon cm play. At 1st we jst sit at th shelter thr thn they say wn play volleyball thn Eileen n Regina go up take ball thn Brandon ran up th second floor cos some1 called him thn Augustus shout Regina cm dwn liao thn he chiong lik crazy dwn lahh,Lol,see hw much he care about her sia..lolss. Regina end up bring skateboard dwn nia-.-Thn they play so damn funny lahhs tht Brandon keep falling dwn,HAHA,its countless:DD He keep crying sia,must pity him bt i keep laughing,thn Augustus say i bad whn he oso laugh-.-Ass.They all falled dwn. They almost make till th shit bt nvr! Ohh manns,no good show:P Hehe. Played till 7plus thn go home lor.:)
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