Ytd was th Cest La Vie performance! It was ok lah,bt i damn nervous lah in th afternoon show nia,dunno why lor. I saw Fauzi! Haha,he very handsome leh:DD joking,he brought his ruler too! -.- n he go put it at th back of his t-shirt th neck thr,so funny lahs! Went to th holding room tht time all th girls keep taking picture bt i cnnt upload th pic:( cos of th stupid cable. -.- Thn is lik we all damn high lah,they keep cheering n dancing. Thn they all wn th madm jingle treat starbucks is th madm hui yi sabo derh,we all keep shouting lor thn she bo bian say ok IF we do well n work hard for th SYF. This monday hv band leh..for syf batch nia,nt fair..damn tired lah. Neh mind lah since i still cnnt play well..
Playing bball ltr so bye:)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Today Cest La Vie rehearsal agn! Tht stupid Eddie hor,morning bully me sia! Asshole lor he.><
Today didn't get to slp..Zzz.. th lunch is so much better today lahh.
Thn I sit thr trying nt to fall asleep lor..hiaz,sian so bo bian lor,cnnt yawn oso sia cos will lik puo huai xing xiang-.-
During th tea-break th Zachary Desker soo funny lahhs he keep dancing n singing th Dancing Queen thn gt 1 auntie walk past thn he sing to th auntie bt she dunno! Thn me n emelin laugh until lik xiao thn my eyes gt tears liaos. HAHA! So stupid sia. Thn th full dress rehearsal thn went home at lik 7plus lor,tired sia..Zzz...
Tomorrow C'est La Vie liao! Oh nervous sia..
Today didn't get to slp..Zzz.. th lunch is so much better today lahh.
Thn I sit thr trying nt to fall asleep lor..hiaz,sian so bo bian lor,cnnt yawn oso sia cos will lik puo huai xing xiang-.-
During th tea-break th Zachary Desker soo funny lahhs he keep dancing n singing th Dancing Queen thn gt 1 auntie walk past thn he sing to th auntie bt she dunno! Thn me n emelin laugh until lik xiao thn my eyes gt tears liaos. HAHA! So stupid sia. Thn th full dress rehearsal thn went home at lik 7plus lor,tired sia..Zzz...
Tomorrow C'est La Vie liao! Oh nervous sia..
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Today went to Victoria Concert Hall to lik practice thn no sch bt those ppl who nt involve in Cest La Vie better lor,t'chers wun teach derh cn slack thn go home early..So nt fair..Band 1st to practice thn end early sat there and slack! So tired lor almost everyone fell asleep including me,damn shiok lahs!:D Thn had lunch,so many vegetable! Puke sia,thn th meat so little so I bo bian eat up all th vegetable lor,wait kena scolding:X Thn sat thr n slack agn!-.-! Thn had tea break:) Th bread quite nice lahhh:) Thn sat with Emelin n Cherry thn Emelin keep toking bout Ms lau,so hilarious lahh:DD We laugh lik mad sia..Thn was bored agn thn sat thr till 5plus thn cn go home..I m soo dead lor,th cest la vie ticket tht i am going to gv my father tear sia! Bt i tink still cn use n i cfm duo meh agn lor! Say wht nvr take care things thn becm lik kiam chai:X Die liao! If cnnt use..nvm.
2mr have practice agn! Hiaz..gonna miss P.E..:( thn cnnt play bball! Ohh manx..
2mr have practice agn! Hiaz..gonna miss P.E..:( thn cnnt play bball! Ohh manx..
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Felicia sexually harrased me! HAHA!
Lol,monday oso boring cos 1st day of sch bt hv band-.-
Dun nd stay bk!:) Bt went hm lik going 3pm..
In th nite went to tm buy th cest la vie clothes,nt so ugly lahhs,bt th shoe sucks.
So ahh mah derh,bt haven buy yet.
Sch boring..zzz
Had chinese n EL test,i m so gonna fail th EL test manx!
So hard sia..
My dictionary kena molested sia,lols.
In band i go hit xz smth thn i turn hor my cheeks hit cherry shoulder damn pain sia!
Ass suae sia,bao ying!:P
Th rehearsal say try nt to let us out late end up oso reach hm at 6plus-.-
No diff,2mr no study:) Go VT practce 4 th performance. Bt those ppl who stay in sch better lor,cn dun do anyth n go hm early while we go hm at 7plus..Asshole:D
Thts all bah,Bye!:)
Felicia sexually harrased me! HAHA!
Lol,monday oso boring cos 1st day of sch bt hv band-.-
Dun nd stay bk!:) Bt went hm lik going 3pm..
In th nite went to tm buy th cest la vie clothes,nt so ugly lahhs,bt th shoe sucks.
So ahh mah derh,bt haven buy yet.
Sch boring..zzz
Had chinese n EL test,i m so gonna fail th EL test manx!
So hard sia..
My dictionary kena molested sia,lols.
In band i go hit xz smth thn i turn hor my cheeks hit cherry shoulder damn pain sia!
Ass suae sia,bao ying!:P
Th rehearsal say try nt to let us out late end up oso reach hm at 6plus-.-
No diff,2mr no study:) Go VT practce 4 th performance. Bt those ppl who stay in sch better lor,cn dun do anyth n go hm early while we go hm at 7plus..Asshole:D
Thts all bah,Bye!:)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Played Blk catching with Kristie,Shane and Augustus halfway kristie's maid scold lik hell say wht cnnt play with boys-.-Thn kristie dun care jst play thn th maid go call th damn fierce auntie sia! Ass lahh,thn she cnnt play liao still get scolding..Thn my sisters came bk frm swimming liaos thn join me n Augustus thn called Brandon cm play. At 1st we jst sit at th shelter thr thn they say wn play volleyball thn Eileen n Regina go up take ball thn Brandon ran up th second floor cos some1 called him thn Augustus shout Regina cm dwn liao thn he chiong lik crazy dwn lahh,Lol,see hw much he care about her sia..lolss. Regina end up bring skateboard dwn nia-.-Thn they play so damn funny lahhs tht Brandon keep falling dwn,HAHA,its countless:DD He keep crying sia,must pity him bt i keep laughing,thn Augustus say i bad whn he oso laugh-.-Ass.They all falled dwn. They almost make till th shit bt nvr! Ohh manns,no good show:P Hehe. Played till 7plus thn go home lor.:)
Played Blk catching with Kristie,Shane and Augustus halfway kristie's maid scold lik hell say wht cnnt play with boys-.-Thn kristie dun care jst play thn th maid go call th damn fierce auntie sia! Ass lahh,thn she cnnt play liao still get scolding..Thn my sisters came bk frm swimming liaos thn join me n Augustus thn called Brandon cm play. At 1st we jst sit at th shelter thr thn they say wn play volleyball thn Eileen n Regina go up take ball thn Brandon ran up th second floor cos some1 called him thn Augustus shout Regina cm dwn liao thn he chiong lik crazy dwn lahh,Lol,see hw much he care about her sia..lolss. Regina end up bring skateboard dwn nia-.-Thn they play so damn funny lahhs tht Brandon keep falling dwn,HAHA,its countless:DD He keep crying sia,must pity him bt i keep laughing,thn Augustus say i bad whn he oso laugh-.-Ass.They all falled dwn. They almost make till th shit bt nvr! Ohh manns,no good show:P Hehe. Played till 7plus thn go home lor.:)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Played bball ytd aft tuition with Kristie,Eddie,Augustus,Aishu,Serene,Jonathan,Cheryl and Perry bah.
Quite funn lahhs. I accidentally hit some1's butt! Haha! He shld noe who is he bahh:P
Serene damn funny lahhs,wear so nice cm play bball,1st time see seh,Lol.
Perry and EDDIE damn asshole wn lor,Bully nia! I will get revenge one day! Muahahah!:P
Thn played blk catching,lose sia th Jonathan run so fast,no match for him lahhs.
Bullied Cheryl agn,hehe! Funn!:)
Thn played th last match with many kids,soo damn funny lahs,too many ppl in half th court liao lor. All chiong-ing for th ball. Thn mum call say go home..hiazz,ndgo out,super sianzz lahhs..:X
Tht Eddie hor,hv lose thn dun wn admit XD still wn jia jia,bad dog sia. HAHA!
Playing blk catching soon,so bubyee:)
Played bball ytd aft tuition with Kristie,Eddie,Augustus,Aishu,Serene,Jonathan,Cheryl and Perry bah.
Quite funn lahhs. I accidentally hit some1's butt! Haha! He shld noe who is he bahh:P
Serene damn funny lahhs,wear so nice cm play bball,1st time see seh,Lol.
Perry and EDDIE damn asshole wn lor,Bully nia! I will get revenge one day! Muahahah!:P
Thn played blk catching,lose sia th Jonathan run so fast,no match for him lahhs.
Bullied Cheryl agn,hehe! Funn!:)
Thn played th last match with many kids,soo damn funny lahs,too many ppl in half th court liao lor. All chiong-ing for th ball. Thn mum call say go home..hiazz,ndgo out,super sianzz lahhs..:X
Tht Eddie hor,hv lose thn dun wn admit XD still wn jia jia,bad dog sia. HAHA!
Playing blk catching soon,so bubyee:)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sch is Boring...
Had th cest la vie rehersal until damn late lah.
Ass.Almost kena scolded sia..
Nth special happened.
Sch oso abit boring,everyday oso boring derh lahs,Lol.
P.E simply rockks lah! Play bball leh! Bt nw is basic nia,sian
Cest La Vie reahersal until 6plus thn go home
COM-ing now,thts all bah.
Casper's b'dae coming!:)
Sch is Boring...
Had th cest la vie rehersal until damn late lah.
Ass.Almost kena scolded sia..
Nth special happened.
Sch oso abit boring,everyday oso boring derh lahs,Lol.
P.E simply rockks lah! Play bball leh! Bt nw is basic nia,sian
Cest La Vie reahersal until 6plus thn go home
COM-ing now,thts all bah.
Casper's b'dae coming!:)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Aft sch went bk my house with felicia,han yi n aishu eat lunch thn go bball court find eddie n his frens play bball thn me,Felicia,Aishu n Eddie won Cherry,Han yi,Jonathan n thier fren!! Yea!><
Thn lik abit sian liao thn go dte buy Eddie th present LOR,thn he dun wn follow...
We bought cup walker thn waited with felicia for her bus thn we walk back bball court. Me n Cherry vs EDDIE TH NOOB><(hehe i wrote it;P)n th Jonathan thn we WON! woohoo!We rock manx:P! K lah thn aft tht we lose cause tht asshole threw in 3 3pointer in a row(ok lah,pro lah) they win liao lor..Thn played awhile while waiting for augustus to cm bk gv him thing bt thn he ended up coming late thn i go home liao lors.
It was fun lah!
Eddie's gonna get a damn freaking shocking surprise tmr manx!Hahas,jst u wait and see!:P Haha
Thn lik abit sian liao thn go dte buy Eddie th present LOR,thn he dun wn follow...
We bought cup walker thn waited with felicia for her bus thn we walk back bball court. Me n Cherry vs EDDIE TH NOOB><(hehe i wrote it;P)n th Jonathan thn we WON! woohoo!We rock manx:P! K lah thn aft tht we lose cause tht asshole threw in 3 3pointer in a row(ok lah,pro lah) they win liao lor..Thn played awhile while waiting for augustus to cm bk gv him thing bt thn he ended up coming late thn i go home liao lors.
It was fun lah!
Eddie's gonna get a damn freaking shocking surprise tmr manx!Hahas,jst u wait and see!:P Haha
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Aft tuition,played bball at 2plus.
So many ppl lahs:( thn augustus suggested play block catching at blk 411 thn we were lik ok lor.
Me,Kristie,shane,augustus and alex run arnd lik xiao lahs so funn=DD thn cheryl came thn she joined in inactively..coz she lazy thn we keep fooling her:D especially me:) 1st time me n kristie catcher n caught all of thm thn is alex n shane catcher.we run lik crazy lahs so funny! i wasn't caught at all:) they surrender,hahs.thn is kristie n cheryl catcher me,shane n augustus run alex sit thr coz he gt blister.They lose lik crazy lah nvr catch any of us=)) haha.Whn cheryl wn catch me,i scream,lols purposely disturb her derh,hah.we won!I was nvr caught,so happy.Is lik super tiring lahs..worst thn run 2.4km bt i more active in this thn 2.4km run.
Thn played bball match adding EDDIE n his fren lah,fun lahs,funny things happened ALWAYS.thn sat thr with cheryl coz they all playing,too many ppl liaos.thn she keep throwing th leaves-.-thn we toking tht eddie hor always eavedrop us,wht an asshole:DD thn went to my gugu hse at 7pm lor.
fun manx! i write ur name in capital letters liaos hor.
Aft tuition,played bball at 2plus.
So many ppl lahs:( thn augustus suggested play block catching at blk 411 thn we were lik ok lor.
Me,Kristie,shane,augustus and alex run arnd lik xiao lahs so funn=DD thn cheryl came thn she joined in inactively..coz she lazy thn we keep fooling her:D especially me:) 1st time me n kristie catcher n caught all of thm thn is alex n shane catcher.we run lik crazy lahs so funny! i wasn't caught at all:) they surrender,hahs.thn is kristie n cheryl catcher me,shane n augustus run alex sit thr coz he gt blister.They lose lik crazy lah nvr catch any of us=)) haha.Whn cheryl wn catch me,i scream,lols purposely disturb her derh,hah.we won!I was nvr caught,so happy.Is lik super tiring lahs..worst thn run 2.4km bt i more active in this thn 2.4km run.
Thn played bball match adding EDDIE n his fren lah,fun lahs,funny things happened ALWAYS.thn sat thr with cheryl coz they all playing,too many ppl liaos.thn she keep throwing th leaves-.-thn we toking tht eddie hor always eavedrop us,wht an asshole:DD thn went to my gugu hse at 7pm lor.
fun manx! i write ur name in capital letters liaos hor.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hi again:)
Ytd nvr go band coz need do th project tht needs to be handed up on Monday
So Lynn,Cherry,felicia,phyllis and aishu came my house and do th project lor.
Thn my hse nt enough A4 size paper so they called shawn to see if he can lend anot thn he say go bball court find him,actually is he call eddie deliver th paper here thn ask them help us burn th paper lor. On th way played bball for 'awhile' thn went e!hub with Cherry and Augustus watch movie.Ate mac thn th augustus keep say wht waste money lik 'Lao Auntie' lik dat:D Thn play arcade th throw th balls wn.And hor...AUGUSTUS AND CHERRY IS A BALLss STEALER so be careful of them,hahas!We playing th game tht time he keep snatching all th balls,but most of th time me and cherry get more lah(ofc:P)
Killed alot of time before th movie starts at 9.20pm.Thn went dwnstrs to buy cupwalker thn went in th cinema.Th movie quite funny and nice lah but behind part super loso lahs..Zzz...Thn walk home together in th nite..not so scary as i tot.
Today was fun lahs,although only three ppl:D Its super funny today lahs,n i love it:DDD
Ytd nvr go band coz need do th project tht needs to be handed up on Monday
So Lynn,Cherry,felicia,phyllis and aishu came my house and do th project lor.
Thn my hse nt enough A4 size paper so they called shawn to see if he can lend anot thn he say go bball court find him,actually is he call eddie deliver th paper here thn ask them help us burn th paper lor. On th way played bball for 'awhile' thn went e!hub with Cherry and Augustus watch movie.Ate mac thn th augustus keep say wht waste money lik 'Lao Auntie' lik dat:D Thn play arcade th throw th balls wn.And hor...AUGUSTUS AND CHERRY IS A BALLss STEALER so be careful of them,hahas!We playing th game tht time he keep snatching all th balls,but most of th time me and cherry get more lah(ofc:P)
Killed alot of time before th movie starts at 9.20pm.Thn went dwnstrs to buy cupwalker thn went in th cinema.Th movie quite funny and nice lah but behind part super loso lahs..Zzz...Thn walk home together in th nite..not so scary as i tot.
Today was fun lahs,although only three ppl:D Its super funny today lahs,n i love it:DDD
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Today sch is super sian lahs..was dozing off during th reading period..zzz...hehes
thn maths ms lau bo come!!!:DDD mr idris oso bo cm...
Recess lerh thn MT thn Science n lastly EL..
Nth special happen.
except tht Mrs Ng let us out late sia,arnd 36min lik dat.
thn came home saw bryan n his gf.Lols.
Came home n eat n eat.:P
my maid cook too nice liaos,Lols.-.-
Thn brought cookie dwn with kristie walk walk
4.30pm lik dat went to play bball awhile nia
Thn com-ing nw.
Thts all bah:)
P.s.Tomorrow CCM!!-.-suck sia..sleeping in PC lesson..
thn maths ms lau bo come!!!:DDD mr idris oso bo cm...
Recess lerh thn MT thn Science n lastly EL..
Nth special happen.
except tht Mrs Ng let us out late sia,arnd 36min lik dat.
thn came home saw bryan n his gf.Lols.
Came home n eat n eat.:P
my maid cook too nice liaos,Lols.-.-
Thn brought cookie dwn with kristie walk walk
4.30pm lik dat went to play bball awhile nia
Thn com-ing nw.
Thts all bah:)
P.s.Tomorrow CCM!!-.-suck sia..sleeping in PC lesson..
Monday, February 2, 2009
Went shopping with Cherry n Cheryl G at far east.
a little boring as nth to buy,coz some shops are not open..zzz
train-ed back to white sands n went to e!hub meet Augustus,Cheryl W n Natalie to play bowling.End up nvr play coz dunno why,lazy say.Thn play arcade thn go hm lor,need to my father's fren hse bai nian.
Woke up eat breakfast thn tuition.
Played bball thn go auntie's hse n eat thn cm hm rush hmwk
thn sleep.zzz
Went shopping with Cherry n Cheryl G at far east.
a little boring as nth to buy,coz some shops are not open..zzz
train-ed back to white sands n went to e!hub meet Augustus,Cheryl W n Natalie to play bowling.End up nvr play coz dunno why,lazy say.Thn play arcade thn go hm lor,need to my father's fren hse bai nian.
Woke up eat breakfast thn tuition.
Played bball thn go auntie's hse n eat thn cm hm rush hmwk
thn sleep.zzz
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