Okayokay , th whole cbox is lik "spammed" till dk lik wht le worh . LOL
I nvr say i look dwn on dogs cos i say they cute , & i got gv beggars money means i nvr look dwn on thm , is help thm fyi . Dunid to be rich to gv ppl a little bit of money , bodoh . You say wn stp le rite ? thn stp lah , u stp we stp . I deleted th post le hor , so u jst go okay ? Sorry for lik ermm making u feel angry or whteva crap tht i did to make u angry . k ? So now i hold no grudge on u , so u cn jst go . BYE . But u cn continue hating me , i dun mind . And THNKS for getting soooo many ppl to tag in my cbox lah , thts wht u wn rite ? happy ? k , jst go . You go we stp thts th point .
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Hmm , bball was fun today alrights (:
It was lik finally aft 1 mnth plus tht i am bball-ing and i totally suck at it (worse than before o:)
Omgz . -.- , played w/ th same ppl and yeah , funny things happen :D
K & C came only at 6plus whn we were gng hm luhs , LOL .
Lik so "early" ? ><
Aft bball mum brought us to tampinies to eat at Jack's Place . Yummeh ! :P
Thn shop here and thr , kekes .
It was boring/enjoyable ? So contradicting manx .
Nth much to blog abt as i am blogging due to th wrd boredom . zzz .
Thts all bah ?
Bbyes (:
It was lik finally aft 1 mnth plus tht i am bball-ing and i totally suck at it (worse than before o:)
Omgz . -.- , played w/ th same ppl and yeah , funny things happen :D
K & C came only at 6plus whn we were gng hm luhs , LOL .
Lik so "early" ? ><
Aft bball mum brought us to tampinies to eat at Jack's Place . Yummeh ! :P
Thn shop here and thr , kekes .
It was boring/enjoyable ? So contradicting manx .
Nth much to blog abt as i am blogging due to th wrd boredom . zzz .
Thts all bah ?
Bbyes (:
Friday, October 23, 2009
Happy B'day Putri ! :D
Hello ppl :D
Sch was boring alrights , trust me its no difference frm staying at home . zzz
Watch movie and hear thm toktoktok . -.-
Me & xin zhi made a joke out of Mr _ _ & his "gang" . LOL , XDD .
It was hilarious alrights .
Sci , Mdm Su didnt come agn , so we ; some girls sat on th floor to play truth or dare agn thn we shifted our tables aside so got more space . Thn *drum rolls*
Mrs Ng shouted outside th class at smbdy outside , idk who . We chua tio thn quickly move bk our tables and sit dwn . thn we all started laughing luhs ! LOL ! But she wasnt lik seeing us or wht . heng uhs :x . Thn aft sch had band . Boring . :x
Nth le bahs . :D
bbyes ~ (:
Hello ppl :D
Sch was boring alrights , trust me its no difference frm staying at home . zzz
Watch movie and hear thm toktoktok . -.-
Me & xin zhi made a joke out of Mr _ _ & his "gang" . LOL , XDD .
It was hilarious alrights .
Sci , Mdm Su didnt come agn , so we ; some girls sat on th floor to play truth or dare agn thn we shifted our tables aside so got more space . Thn *drum rolls*
Mrs Ng shouted outside th class at smbdy outside , idk who . We chua tio thn quickly move bk our tables and sit dwn . thn we all started laughing luhs ! LOL ! But she wasnt lik seeing us or wht . heng uhs :x . Thn aft sch had band . Boring . :x
Nth le bahs . :D
bbyes ~ (:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy B'day Jonathan Tan Qian Yong ! :D {20 oct}
Hey ppl (:
Today was boring in sch luhs >:
Rott is wht i do in sch :S
CME , took bk th paper thn rott . I got 46/50 leh ! Highly moralled ! XD
Thn slept since nth do till geog watched "Water Boys" . Thn Ms Ng go take charger in less thn 5min i fall aslp agn ! Arghh .
Sci Mdm Suriati no come , no movie so rott . Thn played truth or dare . It was quite funn tht kills boredom (:
Thn maths ! Wahh sehh , Ms Lau teach sia , wht solving equation . Zzz , thn smhw me & Xin Zhi quarelled & took each others maths wrksht thn crumpled it . XD , darn funny thn we "quarrel damn th loud . :x , Ms Lau look at us thn we smile thn we both started complaining to her bout each other , she totally stunn . LOL , we both tok at th same time thn she duno wht we toking thn she ignore and walk away . Her expression was funny alrights . XD
Art we watched th movie "Ponyo" tht i watched tht day lerh .
Actually not suppose to show movie de . Mr _ _ Policy . :x
Sooo . Defy ! Dun care ! :P
Thn went home & slept th whole aftnn as was tired . o:
Now comp-ing .
Tmr no sch . Sian . Rot
Bbyes (:
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Ytd was funn alrights ! :D
Thnks to everybody who wished me / gave me presents / both : ( not in order )
Mummy , Daddy ,Cheryl , Hanyi , Eddie , Cherry , Phyllis , Ru Ping , Lynn , Zavier , Jonathan , Felicia , Kenneth , Casper , Xin Zhi , Cheryl G , Kimberly , Victoria , Afiqah , Kristie , Augustus , Gaius , Jun Hao , Ryan , Benita , Song tat , Glenda , Jesteriie , Emelin , Yin jia , Zachary , Shalote . Grandma , Auntie . Did i miss out anyone ? Tell me hor ! I will write ur name & give u a sincere apology ! :D
Yeah so , met Eddie & Cheryl 1st to lik chat & slack under block till its 4pm before me & Cheryl go bk my hse & take lorry to th prp . (: Thnks for entertaining me 1st !
Thn 1st Kenneth & Casper came followed by Cherry , Ru Ping and Xin Zhi . Kenneth's present was super funneh luhs ! LOL . Soon Eddie & Benita , lastly Phyllis .
Went to th red hse see see thn go bk th pit stare here & thr which was boring and chit-chatted & eat .
Thn Benita & Eddie took out a mini cake for me ! Hahas , it is cute alrights . Thnks guys :D Th candle was funny luhs , blow so many times till i no air still dun wn go off , LOL .
Thn dad started a water fight & soon everybody started throwing water at each other . LOL , wasted super lots of water luhs o: . Nehmind narh hor ? XD
Thn decided to walk here & thr thn walk go th playground .
Play Play thn Phyllis & Xin Zhi went home 1st . Thn we slowly walked bk & dad fetched all of thm home & lastly me went home , bathe.
Dad & Mum took out th last cake of th day cake (: !
HAHA , thnks alot yeah (:
I love ytd ! Its th best :D
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Met K at 12pm thn walk to e!hub meet A & M . :D
Thn see thm jubeat awhile thn me & K decided go watch movie; Haeundae , Th deadly tsunami (:
Th show was nice , sad , funny & scary~ . I cried luhs , so touching . *sobbs*
*wipes tears* :D , so lame . LOL .
Thn slacked at e!hub till A & M watch finish thier movie thn aft tht go find E under block w/ K to play thn we tortured him by hitting , smaking & blah blah . LOL , poor thing but me no care ! XD , dun let him see tht 0:
Thn went to cousin hse eat dinner and sang at thier ktv room (:
It was funn (: !
Thn home , compt .
Counting down~ . Its jst hours away ! Muahaha . :x
Ooopssi , let out my evil laugh !
Currently having conver on msn w/ Felicia , Phyllis , RuPing & Eddie (:
All fighting to wish me 1st ! HAHA , so touched yeah ? :D
Wonder who will be 1st . XD
And And thnks for th present ! I luvv thm yeah ! (: . Cheryl for th piglet , Eddie for th Pooh & Kristie for th Carebear ! Thnk u very muchhi~
Friday, October 16, 2009
Edited !
Edited !
Happy Birthday Liling !
Today got bk some results , well did okay for it ?
Maths paper 1 : 55/60
Could hv done better >:
Geog : 87.5%
Okay luhs ^^
Science : 78/100
Super shock alrights ?! Damn happy luhs , 1st half of th year is C , thn slowly B now A ! :DD
Thts all i got for today , sch was boring yeah , nth do oso de , but its better thn staying at home !
Cos i only breed algae at home . zzz .
Came home thn comp . AGN . -.-
Thn went to meet Benita <3>
Andd , thnks Shalote & Benita for th beatiful necklace ! Its awesome alrights ^^ .
Luvv you guys <333
And ofc th rest of my frens cos they are my frens ^^ . LOL .
Thts all bah , tatas (:
Edited ~
Well , aft comp , sleep agn . -.-"
Thn eat thn pei my mummy go NTUC buy things , guaii leh~?
Hmm , i kno i kno , dunid to tell me . XD
Kekes , bhb-ing here .
And during dinner my youngest sister asked a damn th stuppid question .
sis : Vegetable is come frm wht animal de uh ?
sis : Vegetable is come frm wht animal de uh ?
All : -.-" , wth ?
sis : Tell me leh .
*All faints*
Mum : Not frm animal lah !
Me : Ah hah , stuppid :x .
LOL , lame luhs ?
HAH , hmm , thts all bah .
Tatas agn~
My internet got prob ! So cant see th cbox and go ppl blog oso cnnt tagg ! Sorry ):
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Hmm , 2nd post of th day !
Today didnt really rot thnks to Cheryl <3>
She went w/ me to whitesands to make my specs thn buy sm stuff and went to her hse give her dad th bicycle tyre thn go bk my hse slack tgt .
Thn made smth for smone ^^
Thn used comp tgt thn at 6pm she went home and so i continued comp-ing (:
Anw , Thnks for th post; Eddie Yeo & Thnks for th b'day present; Cheryl Wongy ! <3
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hmm , today is th end of exmas leh ! Whee~
I'm flying XDD~
Thn nw nth do lerhs -.-
Today slp whole day leh !
I'm so powderful . xP
Thn went for organ lesson thn came home to compt .
Anw , cookie is gng to be given to my dad's fren and i am super sad luhs..
Idk how much tears have fallen o:
You guys wun believe i will sad rite ? Hahas .
He is gng nxt year de January and i am super upset as he has given me many happy memories w/ his super funny act luhs . Made me laugh and find him darn cute~ . I love him damn loads ):
I dun wnna lose him but cos dad not enuff money pay for his medical bills as he is always having skin prob.. D:
He has been w/ me for 2 years and he is parting me now .. How painful will it be ? Damn , idk how long i will cry . Maybe everyday ?
See me w/ swollen eyes bah :x
Dun be suprised , i am emotional ! Is jst tht u dk ><
Dun be suprised , i am emotional ! Is jst tht u dk ><
Thts all bah .
I love Cookie forever and ever <3~!
Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Phyllis Darling~! (:
Wo ai ai ai si ni le :DD
You're th best darling i've ever had tht treats me well although always bully me XD.
Jkjk , I'm glad to have you as a fren . Hahas .
Stay shuai worh~!(but dun chg sex) XDD
Ni lao le yi shui o: , thn ye cong ming le neh~
Hahas , goodluck in mapling (: , go spam spam spam th @ cash .
Hahas , and good luck in ur EOY exams , you cn do it de ! :B
Kekes , thts all bah . Happy B'day again wo de shuai shuai shuai Darling ! ;D
Wo dui ni ai ai ai bu wan~ . As frens (:
Tmr last paper ! Can fly le XDD~Saturday, October 10, 2009
(Th oneh-oneh tht we made ; up)
Hmm , here to post agn ><
Cos too boring uh . :x .
Cos too boring uh . :x .
Went out w/ Kristie to Central to eat and buy bubble tea (:
Thn came home do a tiny winy bit of maths thn go make th "oneh-oneh" agn ><
Hehs , thn use comp to fins pic for th Art exam , so hard de . Tsktsk . :/
Thn do maths abit agn thn jst try draw th exact picture for Art , testing testing. XD .
Th drawing suck , bleahx , cnnt post cos Cheryl th Da Zhuzhu say wait ppl copy ! Hahas , so auntie ! XD , dun let her read this o: . Aiyahh , but oso yi fang wan yi ^^ . But frankly speaking , who wld wnna copy my ugly wrk neh . Hahas .
Thn ate spicy instant noodles for dinner and drink wintermelon ! YumYum (:
Thn use th aftnoon draw th tortoise and paste it on my foolscape cover , th head jumping out de ! XDD , so retarded cos nth do . ><
Thn watch tv and here i am com-ing . Hahas .
Thts all bah !
Zai Jian :DD
Friday, October 9, 2009
1 whole week of exams ! o:
Stressed ! I tink ? hahas .
Anw , last 2 paper which is maths paper 2 and art thn whee ! Can fly till duno whr le ! XDD
Eng was difficult i guess ?
CL so-so luhs .
Sci = die , so hard >: , my sci suckkk D: .
Geog abit hard , CL paper 2 abit headache thn jst copy copy :x . Hehes .
Lit best ! XDD , my ass lor . I write super nonsense , wonder if th t'cher will die of laughter o: , wnna kno wht crap i write ? Ask me ^^ .
Today de maths quite easy luhs ? :x , cnnt say easy wait th result cm out lik sai , always lik tht wn . hmmm .
Today came home told my mum tht th paper quite easy got garantee :x thn she bring me out go eat swensens at airport ! :D LOL . And cos got free parking -.- , hahas ! Thn she tot th free parking got t&c de thn th swensens nvr participate but th T3 th Eagle Swensen have so we trained thr go in thn th food super duper ex sia , at least $20 , I stunned dio thn my mum ask th person if got t&c not , she say dun hv thn aft tht she walk away . I look at my mum say , woah so ex dun eat le . She say okay lor , we zao out if th retaurant . So embarrassing~! XD
Thn trained bk to T2 eat swensens , super hungry sia . :/ . Thn ordered alot thn got free drink , ice-cream and soup ! o: . Damn lots lah , i sooo full .
Thn go home made w/ mummy and Regina th "oneh oneh" , funn neh , i lik !
Quite nice , thn go slp , tired :x
Thn go whitesands buy things thn cm home and comp (:
Today was funn luhs (:
hope cn pass th difficult maths paper 2 and all th subjects ! :D
Stressed ! I tink ? hahas .
Anw , last 2 paper which is maths paper 2 and art thn whee ! Can fly till duno whr le ! XDD
Eng was difficult i guess ?
CL so-so luhs .
Sci = die , so hard >: , my sci suckkk D: .
Geog abit hard , CL paper 2 abit headache thn jst copy copy :x . Hehes .
Lit best ! XDD , my ass lor . I write super nonsense , wonder if th t'cher will die of laughter o: , wnna kno wht crap i write ? Ask me ^^ .
Today de maths quite easy luhs ? :x , cnnt say easy wait th result cm out lik sai , always lik tht wn . hmmm .
Today came home told my mum tht th paper quite easy got garantee :x thn she bring me out go eat swensens at airport ! :D LOL . And cos got free parking -.- , hahas ! Thn she tot th free parking got t&c de thn th swensens nvr participate but th T3 th Eagle Swensen have so we trained thr go in thn th food super duper ex sia , at least $20 , I stunned dio thn my mum ask th person if got t&c not , she say dun hv thn aft tht she walk away . I look at my mum say , woah so ex dun eat le . She say okay lor , we zao out if th retaurant . So embarrassing~! XD
Thn trained bk to T2 eat swensens , super hungry sia . :/ . Thn ordered alot thn got free drink , ice-cream and soup ! o: . Damn lots lah , i sooo full .
Thn go home made w/ mummy and Regina th "oneh oneh" , funn neh , i lik !
Quite nice , thn go slp , tired :x
Thn go whitesands buy things thn cm home and comp (:
Today was funn luhs (:
hope cn pass th difficult maths paper 2 and all th subjects ! :D
Friday, October 2, 2009
Didnt post for very long i guess ? Partly cos i lazy , need study and yah .
Now having exams , wahh , sian sia , study study study . Thts all i do . Guai hor ? ><
Had eng and chi paper 1 today , eng quite hard , chi so-so luhs
Thn went whitesands with Benita and Xin Zhi to eat KFC ! Yummy~
Thn we dwn thr damn noisy acted lik fools , tok crap and disgusting things tht made us look lik clowns and laugh lik mad luhs . So embarrassing~! LOL . Thn we lik make a fool out of ourselves in th shopping center with our sch uniform , lose face seh but idc ! :D , fun thn okay lerh . (:
Enjoyed myself lots yeah (:
Went back to sch with Xin Zhi for th mass study . It was quite funn and i learn alot especially on sci thnks to Mr Zachary Wan . LOL , he help me with almost every questions luhs , so smart in sci de i jealous siol . LOL , now i have slighty better knowledge for sci le ! Whee ! Thn was given tips for th sci paper by Mr Chiang thn dad fetch me home , do hmwk thn now comp-ing . :D
Hahas , stress seh~ . ><, thts all bah .
Now having exams , wahh , sian sia , study study study . Thts all i do . Guai hor ? ><
Had eng and chi paper 1 today , eng quite hard , chi so-so luhs
Thn went whitesands with Benita and Xin Zhi to eat KFC ! Yummy~
Thn we dwn thr damn noisy acted lik fools , tok crap and disgusting things tht made us look lik clowns and laugh lik mad luhs . So embarrassing~! LOL . Thn we lik make a fool out of ourselves in th shopping center with our sch uniform , lose face seh but idc ! :D , fun thn okay lerh . (:
Enjoyed myself lots yeah (:
Went back to sch with Xin Zhi for th mass study . It was quite funn and i learn alot especially on sci thnks to Mr Zachary Wan . LOL , he help me with almost every questions luhs , so smart in sci de i jealous siol . LOL , now i have slighty better knowledge for sci le ! Whee ! Thn was given tips for th sci paper by Mr Chiang thn dad fetch me home , do hmwk thn now comp-ing . :D
Hahas , stress seh~ . ><, thts all bah .
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