Today maths i go chg place:P Sit bk my last time place:DD I love my last time place lah,thn Ms Lie go chg-.-Bodoh sia. Thn P.E ran with xin zhi thn phyllis join,thn we complete in 20.25min-.-
Mr Anuar(i duno hw spell) say our class th worst, haha bt i chiong-ed liao larhs. Thn EL almost sleep.Zzz..History i cnnt tahan thn got drop abit xP Thn stay back do EL presentation thn eat but still hungry._.Thn climb up th table(s) to take down th things on th wall:) Pervertic ppl holding th tables to make sure i dun fall keep looking under my skirt._.HAHA. Thn went for band,tiring..Zzz..Came home ate dinner still hungry go find biscuit eat,hehe! Thn went white sands eat sushi! Haha,father force so jst eat and ate damn loads! Thts all bah,byee^^
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Today was a damn funny day lah! HAHA
PC did th Earth Day poster._. Changed sitting arrangement lah>: Now sit in th middle row with Wen Xuan:/! Many ppl say suae sia..I want sit at th corner sia bodoh! Qi Si Ren lor! Argh! Art Mr Joe nvr cm thn we all sit tgt and keep laughing becos of jokes,ti xiong zuo ren! Lol. Thn Recess normal thn was EL,boring bah thn Lit nvr do th essay thn t'cher collect ez-link-.-thought she will say nvm thn let us off sia,haha. Did th essay during her class, i jst copy th conver of th shylock speech thn add smth nia,hehe lik she care lik tht.Zzz..Maths boring bah thn Science! I passed!:DD 30/50! I almost fell asleep in class larh,so boring! Aft sch was media lit,aft tht go KFC eat with Phyllis, Cherry and Han yi thn Clifton and Shawn come..Aft go arcade find Eddie and Shaun thn phyllis chiong in frm th bk door go poke thier butt! Its damn hilarious lah,thn she chiong in with her racket tht time jst nice th arcade lady came and chase th wear uniform ppl out thn phyllis jst nice phyllis thr,damn hilarious lah! Me and Cherry laughed lik mad! Thn go bball court awhile and th two perverts(Hanyi and Cherry) keep looking at th ppl playing bball th obsene places! LOL.
Overall today was fun!:DD
PC did th Earth Day poster._. Changed sitting arrangement lah>: Now sit in th middle row with Wen Xuan:/! Many ppl say suae sia..I want sit at th corner sia bodoh! Qi Si Ren lor! Argh! Art Mr Joe nvr cm thn we all sit tgt and keep laughing becos of jokes,ti xiong zuo ren! Lol. Thn Recess normal thn was EL,boring bah thn Lit nvr do th essay thn t'cher collect ez-link-.-thought she will say nvm thn let us off sia,haha. Did th essay during her class, i jst copy th conver of th shylock speech thn add smth nia,hehe lik she care lik tht.Zzz..Maths boring bah thn Science! I passed!:DD 30/50! I almost fell asleep in class larh,so boring! Aft sch was media lit,aft tht go KFC eat with Phyllis, Cherry and Han yi thn Clifton and Shawn come..Aft go arcade find Eddie and Shaun thn phyllis chiong in frm th bk door go poke thier butt! Its damn hilarious lah,thn she chiong in with her racket tht time jst nice th arcade lady came and chase th wear uniform ppl out thn phyllis jst nice phyllis thr,damn hilarious lah! Me and Cherry laughed lik mad! Thn go bball court awhile and th two perverts(Hanyi and Cherry) keep looking at th ppl playing bball th obsene places! LOL.
Overall today was fun!:DD
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Today was oral examinations..Damn hard sia,bodoh.. Today whole day was fun,became a pervert:D Played lik mad th whole today. In th classroom while waiting for my turn,me,Felicia,Phyllis,Lynn and Aishu played and laughed lik mad becos of smths..:DD
Whn i outside cnnt concentrate sia,lols thn anyhow say lor:x Waited for Phyllis thn wanted go WS eat ended up decided to go e!hub instead,ate KFC was super hungry cos nvr eat lunch..Thn walked home with Cherry and Xin Zhi:)
A fun and pervertic day{!}
Whn i outside cnnt concentrate sia,lols thn anyhow say lor:x Waited for Phyllis thn wanted go WS eat ended up decided to go e!hub instead,ate KFC was super hungry cos nvr eat lunch..Thn walked home with Cherry and Xin Zhi:)
A fun and pervertic day{!}
Friday, March 13, 2009
Cross Country today,so met Xin Zhi,Felicia,Cherry,Ru Ping and Lynn under my blk thn walked to dte mac,thn aft tht walked to prp. Th race suck lor, me,Cherry,Felicia,Lynn,Ai Shu and Shalote walked all th way sia,position was over 200 plus=no position:DD Haha.
Was Ms Lau B'dae! Sang th b'dae song for her:) HAPPY B'DAE MS LAU!:DD You rock;D
Went Pasta Mania eat thn meet Eddie. Me and Cherry walked to white sands to top up my ez-link card thn reach thr tht time,forgot tht i had forgotten to bring my ez-link card-.-Bodoh sia.
Thn nvm lo,bought bubble tea instead. Played not even 1 pathetic match,rained._. Thn played monkey in th shelter with Cherry,Cheryl,Phyllis,Eddie and Jonathan. Fun i guess. Thn Felicia they all came,played monkey too. Thn rain stopped so play bball till 6plus thn smth bad happened,cnnt say wht wait smone kill me. Aft bball wemt Cousin's house eat and cm bk home:)
A damn tired day lahs. Zzz
Was Ms Lau B'dae! Sang th b'dae song for her:) HAPPY B'DAE MS LAU!:DD You rock;D
Went Pasta Mania eat thn meet Eddie. Me and Cherry walked to white sands to top up my ez-link card thn reach thr tht time,forgot tht i had forgotten to bring my ez-link card-.-Bodoh sia.
Thn nvm lo,bought bubble tea instead. Played not even 1 pathetic match,rained._. Thn played monkey in th shelter with Cherry,Cheryl,Phyllis,Eddie and Jonathan. Fun i guess. Thn Felicia they all came,played monkey too. Thn rain stopped so play bball till 6plus thn smth bad happened,cnnt say wht wait smone kill me. Aft bball wemt Cousin's house eat and cm bk home:)
A damn tired day lahs. Zzz
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Ms Lie didn't come so books not returned._. Maths common test was hard? I dunno lah..
Th Mr Ng came to class again today cos ms lie bo come, he lik toking to himself lah,no1 listening lah. Chinese was super boring lah! Tried not to fall asleep and succeded!:D Science learned bout smth sick lah,but i still almost doze off,cnnt tahan sia,EL also boring. Had common test aft tht thn went home.
Gave th letter to Ms Lie thn she gave me bk my books,finally:) Got my tag number which is 1164,suae sia cos 164=''yi lu si'' means die all th way i guess-.- Art made th clay thing which was funn i guess. Had EL thn Literature=BORING..Zzz..Maths thn Science and Media Literacy did nth luh. CCM had oral test which was so not easy but i almost forget sia. Whteva lah,nt impt. Slacked while ppl having thier oral test thn got alot of ppl outside thn t'cher closed th doors-.- Cnnt go outside,nth do so sms-ed in class:P to kill boredom. Aft tht went home with th stack of heavy books._.
Tmr Cross Country! Boring,lazy run._. Waste time
Ms Lie didn't come so books not returned._. Maths common test was hard? I dunno lah..
Th Mr Ng came to class again today cos ms lie bo come, he lik toking to himself lah,no1 listening lah. Chinese was super boring lah! Tried not to fall asleep and succeded!:D Science learned bout smth sick lah,but i still almost doze off,cnnt tahan sia,EL also boring. Had common test aft tht thn went home.
Gave th letter to Ms Lie thn she gave me bk my books,finally:) Got my tag number which is 1164,suae sia cos 164=''yi lu si'' means die all th way i guess-.- Art made th clay thing which was funn i guess. Had EL thn Literature=BORING..Zzz..Maths thn Science and Media Literacy did nth luh. CCM had oral test which was so not easy but i almost forget sia. Whteva lah,nt impt. Slacked while ppl having thier oral test thn got alot of ppl outside thn t'cher closed th doors-.- Cnnt go outside,nth do so sms-ed in class:P to kill boredom. Aft tht went home with th stack of heavy books._.
Tmr Cross Country! Boring,lazy run._. Waste time
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
First day of th week agn-.-Boring lor. Had EL common test was so-so lah,hope pass lor. Went for band which ended at lik 7.05pm leh! Found out tht thr is 3practices for band during th school holidays so is = to no freedom! Whts th point of holiday lah. Reach home so damn late lah,whr hv time study sia. T'chers tok soo god damn much sia,waste time-.-Went home was damn tired,no mood to study.
A damn stupid day! First thing went to class,books ALL confiscated! Alot of ppl also gt put but end up only a few was confiscated! Unfair lah. Biased. This retarded thing spoiled my whole day! Thnks to Eddie lah,he lend me th literature textbook. :D Maths lesson laughed lik mad becos of Emelin and Xin Zhi,Lols. Science test was a big disaster lah! I dunno anyth,bodoh! Garanteed,100% fail wn. So gonna get killed lahs! D:
Thts all bah..Super angry. $#%^&@!
First day of th week agn-.-Boring lor. Had EL common test was so-so lah,hope pass lor. Went for band which ended at lik 7.05pm leh! Found out tht thr is 3practices for band during th school holidays so is = to no freedom! Whts th point of holiday lah. Reach home so damn late lah,whr hv time study sia. T'chers tok soo god damn much sia,waste time-.-Went home was damn tired,no mood to study.
A damn stupid day! First thing went to class,books ALL confiscated! Alot of ppl also gt put but end up only a few was confiscated! Unfair lah. Biased. This retarded thing spoiled my whole day! Thnks to Eddie lah,he lend me th literature textbook. :D Maths lesson laughed lik mad becos of Emelin and Xin Zhi,Lols. Science test was a big disaster lah! I dunno anyth,bodoh! Garanteed,100% fail wn. So gonna get killed lahs! D:
Thts all bah..Super angry. $#%^&@!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Today damn shiok sia,played bball frm 2plus to 6plus with Kristie,Shane,Cheryl,Augustus,Eddie,Jonathan and Cherry!:D
Played matches all th way lah,is damn funn lah,exercise lik mad:]
Thn Cheryl keep toking nonsense thn I throw my slipper at her,my aiming was damn good:P I hit th thing! Haha!
Played very violently,hit here hit thr:DD So shiok lor.
Cheryl become Muo Gui Auntie:DD Haha!
Many funny things happen lah,dun wnna elaborate:}
I scared tmr leg pain sia aft all th running and pushing=X
Tmr EL common test=Die lor..Hiaz..
Band 2mr agn..Very tiring sia..
Played matches all th way lah,is damn funn lah,exercise lik mad:]
Thn Cheryl keep toking nonsense thn I throw my slipper at her,my aiming was damn good:P I hit th thing! Haha!
Played very violently,hit here hit thr:DD So shiok lor.
Cheryl become Muo Gui Auntie:DD Haha!
Many funny things happen lah,dun wnna elaborate:}
I scared tmr leg pain sia aft all th running and pushing=X
Tmr EL common test=Die lor..Hiaz..
Band 2mr agn..Very tiring sia..
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Woke up arnd 10plus thn had tuition till 2plus for science,lucky aft this only lesson I fianlly not so blur sia:D Thn went to play bball with Kristie, Shane and Augustus with other people.
First match nia hor,bodoh,rain-.- Thn we went under blk play thn Kristie N Shane came my house use com thn i use her com play audi,so funn lahs! Stupid com cnnt download,lag lik shit,go die lahhs.
Th thunder was so scary lahs! Xia si ren le. Thn hor gt someone hor fall dwn leh! Hahaha! I dun say who lah but too bad i didn't witness it,or i will laugh lik mad lor! Lols!
Thn com-ed all th way till 5plus went white sands eat KFC thn home n com-ed lor. Thts all bah:)
Stupid com and hp! Go die lah,all 1 by 1 lag and and became retarded! Zhen Shi De!:DD hahas.
First match nia hor,bodoh,rain-.- Thn we went under blk play thn Kristie N Shane came my house use com thn i use her com play audi,so funn lahs! Stupid com cnnt download,lag lik shit,go die lahhs.
Th thunder was so scary lahs! Xia si ren le. Thn hor gt someone hor fall dwn leh! Hahaha! I dun say who lah but too bad i didn't witness it,or i will laugh lik mad lor! Lols!
Thn com-ed all th way till 5plus went white sands eat KFC thn home n com-ed lor. Thts all bah:)
Stupid com and hp! Go die lah,all 1 by 1 lag and and became retarded! Zhen Shi De!:DD hahas.
Friday, March 6, 2009
First lesson is Miss Lau,boring bah..Had test agn._.Always wn lor. P.E was next:DD Played matches,finally thn all draw,damn tired lahs. Bt damn fun lah,bt need run 8 rnds arnd th bball court thn He said no cutting corners bt who cares? Jst cut all th way lor:DD Aft recess was EL and expected liao was scolding and nagging._.Thn was history,Ms Lie take over sia..So-so lah bt i lik Mr Idris more!D: Why he mus resign sia..Aft sch Felicia,Han Yi and Ai Shu came my house thn go White Sands with Eddie,Cherry and Natalie,walked to blk 408 meet Eddie thn retarded slipper spoil! Cnnt fix derh.__.! Thn had to walk barefooted all th way to white sands lah,bullshit,very wierd sia,Lols. Thn natalie helped me buy th shoes,thnks.:) Thn went th foodcourt eat thn went to buy th present thn went bball court,they all walk so slow,i 1st to reach! Yea! Haha,lame. Thn got one little indian guy which is lik 6yrs plus n above,damn irritating lik shit! Attract attention nia,bodoh lame lor. Thn they all wn go home so i go home lor thn ask my maid pei me thr sit thn fetch my sis thn go th fishing pond eat liao thn came home,its super tiring day lor.:D
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Today PC watched 'Just Follow Law' thn was Art but thn no com lab availabe so we walked thr n bk for lik 4 times lah-.- Thn was recess. Aft recess was EL, mrs ng angry,cos we nvr tok-.- So she walked out of th class,nt first time liao lor..Thn was literature mrs goh show us th wht video bout shakespeare derh=.=Maths do test nia,very easy leh. Thn science Mdm suriati bo cm so do wrksheet nia,copy abit lah..Thn was media lit lo,adobe photoshop agn..Thn went to malay class didn't bring textbook cos i lazy bring n expected tht t'cher wun scold n heng she really nvr scold sia! Nt very boring aft all lah..Cheryl told me Xin Zhi and Cherry bout her throwing th bottle at th ML t'cher butt,if i in tht class,i will be th one laughing th most lor! Thn me n Xin Zhi laughed all th way thn I laughed till I almost died thn she smack me sia!:( Haha,bt i dun care jst laughed all th way:DD
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Today was another suae day i guess..I threw th pen at Eddie;P Sorry ah..Thn th pen spoil-.-Retarded th cover lost also..1st lesson maths._.I do halfway thn slack abit miss lau saw:O Thn she ask me i do finish alr i say haven thn i smile at her say i resting:D Thn i gv up ji xu do lor..Cherry also slacking thn nvr say her say me.__.Bu fair wn. Thn was history,Mr Idris nvr cm agn! 2 days liao leh..sadd:P Thn tht t'cher th LKK face wn cm agn thn we keep laughing while emelin tell her jokes thn was recess! Suck lah,th table behind me drop th plate of chicken chop i tink thn th retarded sauce make till my shoe n bag!$#@^&^&! Ytd also lik tht nw agn!-.-! Bodoh sia. Thn was chinese do th whteva typing n zuo ye thing. Thn was science lah,boring! Slacked all th way thn t'cher was lik jst tell us ans nvr explain derh! Die lo..Thn was super sleepy lah somemore EL nxt leh! Thn I tried nt to slp n succeeded bah:DD Aft sch was EL remedial thn had Band to fit th SYF clothing thn Brandon n they all so funny lahs!Cheryl kena scare by yadiman sia! Super hilarious!:DD Took pictures bt cnnt post cos cable spoil,ps lah,u will laugh whn u see th pics man. Thn aft tht bus-ed home lor. I dunno hv hmwk anot sia,forget,nowadays dun feel lik doing hmwk sia..D: Die!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today super unlucky lah!D: I forget bring tie bt lucky bang hao hv extra lend me,thnks man to xin zhi and all those ppl who helped me:D Thn recess i accidentally spilled th soup on my whole skirt! Stupid lorh,thn gt th smell,wnna puke sia,this part,emelin,xin zhi,cheryl n phyllis helped me so thnks alot!:D I love u guys man! Thn th com i use during science cnnt,spoil-.-! Retarded!
Mr Idris nvr cm,thn 1 relief t'cher who funny his face! Haha,he also sleep in class leh,thn we all laugh and took picture of him sleeping XD Thn ms lau lesson so so lor,nt many ppl in class they go th councillor thingy. Ended sch at 1.30pm thn followed Felicia they all while waiting for Xin Zhi thn i clib up th stairs with Felicia,I tripped cos i dunno why I think i hook till Felicia's leg or smth..Bodoh,4 unlucky things happened in a day leh! Wht th,jia sai wn lor. Thn si Eddie go scare me n felicia!-.-! Retarded lahh. Asshole. Thn aft tht went hm with xin zhi n natalie. Today sucks.
Monday, March 2, 2009
In my ytd's post, i forget write smth impt! Haha, I KICKED EDDIE'S BUTT COS HE STAND IN FRONT OF ME! I even poke his eyes,hiaz,why not nose sia..Haha and I also scratch his hand,so i abused him lik crazy ytd n it was awesome n funn! HAHA,nw i noe y sm ppl lik to abuse sm ppl liao:DD Joking:) Thn he keep shaking me for nth-.-! Xia si ren leh! Hiyo! Today was abit boring..cos is monday=start of th week=need wait very long for weekend!:( Lols,band was nt fun cos use th new reed i cnnt play! Bodoh sia,bt got drills,abit nia bt i still dun lik bt get free drinks frm madm Jingle! Yea!:D thnks alot went home late today..lik 7plus,hiaz,tired sia.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Played bball jst nw with my maid,sisters,cherry,natalie,augustus,eddie and his frens:) Play awhile nia rain sia! Bodoh,thn stop thn rain thn stop agn-.- Waste our time running in and out sia. They say is cos eddie cm out thn rain wn so ask him stay in th shelter,Lol. Played matches thn sian played badminton. Gt win and lose lah. Thn me n my maid vs eddie alone,he say he wn play wn,n so..he lost! Haha,somemore he more pro thn us lah:DD Thn rained heavily so i zao hm lor,or else kena scolding. Spoil th fun sia..Ass. Bt quite fun lah,overall:)
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